Webhosting providers who do you use?

Dec 4, 2004
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Who do you prefer for your webhost provider.?

The organization I am affiliated with is wanting restart there website with a new host. We have been doing research on who we should take up. I personally use ipowerweb for my site. We are thinking about using bluehost or surpass. I have heard mixed reviews about Bluehost. Does any one have any history with them? If not those two are there any suggestions for a good host?
I know this may sound funny, but I have been with Yahoo! for 5 years now (and have had several different sites besides midwestchase.com -- my chasing site) and my site(s) have never been down... Not a single time. You can get 5GB webspace/200GB data transfer for $11.95/month ($8.95 for the first three monthes) and for just $19.95 you can DOUBLE that (10GB space/400GB transfer)... So, I have to recommend Yahoo!

--> http://sbs.smallbusiness.yahoo.com/webhost...ing/compare.php
Total Choice Hosting
I'm on the Silver Plan -- 850mb storage, 20GB bandwidth, unlimited email addresses, unlimited MySQL dbs, unlimited FTP accounts, and so on for only $5/mo. You can also buy your domain name through them (for $12/yr or something). In addition, the domain name will be in YOUR name... Some of the 'budget' hosting companies will register the domain name you choose to be in THEIR name, so if you end service with them, you may not be able to keep the name.

Their prices are low, and their service is awesome. The Family Support Forum is very beneficial if you need help / suggestions --> http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/forums/
The Chaser's Hosting Service! :wink: :


Awesome service.



Just started up with Dryline this past week - totally recommend. ;) The admin is very accessible and will even give you some advice on how to do something. Plus, you can very well pay for your hosting by referring other people through referral discounts.

FYI - I scored myself a certificate for a year's free hosting with Dryline last year at the National Storm Chaser Convention. If you're going and if David does it again, I would definitely suggest you pick one up. And don't lose it in a box somewhere like I did!
Again Kurt, I would reccomend Surpass Hosting as a choice dude, as I've told you before. In the 2 years I had my site, it never went down ONCE, and has excellent support and tools.
I use Yahoo and Hostfor2bucks.com

They are both ok. Yahoo is certainly more stable. I'm expecting my hostfor2bucks site to go down at any time, they are kind of flaky.
I've been on ICDSoft since 2002 with no problems at all.

I'm on the personal plan:

$5 per month
500 mb
7gb traffic ($5 for each gb if you go over in a month)
$5 domain registration
All the other goodies you need.
They're not flashy but very reliable and if you stay with them after a year you get more discounts.
okay so what do you all think about these companies that offer 10GB storage 200 GB bandwidth. For like 6-8 bucks a month. David Drummond told me his point of view a bout a year ago. what other opinions are there.

Speaking of DavidEDIT seconds after I posted this
I was saving this for our new site relaunch, but this seems like a good time....

For a limited time, use the coupon code STORMTRACK when signing up with us at Dryline Hosting and you will get 50% off any package we have for as long as your with us. Again, this will only be available for a limited short time. :wink:

Does not apply to Domain Names though, only hosting packages as we already have the domains priced at our cost now.[/url]

(sorry the signup form currently looks so bad, it's a hybrid result of upgrades that will be revamped in the coming relaunch)

EDIT: As of 01/26/06 we have upgraded the currently being populated server with a Pentium 4 2.6 GHz cpu and doubled the memory to 1 GIG!
okay so what do you all think about these companies that offer 10GB storage 200 GB bandwidth. For like 6-8 bucks a month. David Drummond told me his point of view a bout a year ago. what other opinions are there.

Speaking of DavidEDIT seconds after I posted this

Well... That Yahoo! Webhosting deal, IMO -- is excellent. Like I said before, I have NEVER had a problem in the past 5 years of having sites hosted by them... You get a great deal of webspace and bandwidth (5GB/200GB). I'd absolutely suggest that you'd go with them...

How many people can say they have NEVER had their site down or any problems at all for over 5 years?
Originally posted by nickgrillo

Well... That Yahoo! Webhosting deal, IMO -- is excellent. Like I said before, I have NEVER had a problem in the past 5 years of having sites hosted by them... You get a great deal of webspace and bandwidth (5GB/200GB). I'd absolutely suggest that you'd go with them...

How many people can say they have NEVER had their site down or any problems at all for over 5 years?

Never down once is quite impressive actually Nick. A person has to wonder though, when do they do security upgrades at the server level that requires the server your on to be rebooted? A computer that has never had a component go bad a need replacing? Never an upgrade to the server requiring it to be power cycled? All of these things would have to account for at least a little downtime if they are being performed.

It's the nature of the computer world, things break, things have to be upgraded, security fixes have to be implemented, it's an ongoing process forever.

Here is a quote we have on our website:

Downtime is a natural part of any web hosting service unfortunately. It's in the nature of our computer based world we live in. It is impossible for any web hosting provider to deliver 100% uptime all the time. This simply cannot exist. There are far too many factors involved, and even the best built web server machine will eventually have a part failure, or need to have security/software updates done.

If you see a web hosting provider that promises 100% uptime, they are using a dishonest marketing tactic in order to secure your account. Yes, downtimes will eventually happen with any hosting service. What separates the wheat from the chaff is how fast the problem is resolved by your hosting provider, and how well they communicate to you what the problem is and what is being done about it.

Since we have the best servers, in the best data center, we can boast the uptimes listed above! Sure we could lie to you and tell you we will be up 100% of the time, but we prefer to do our business honestly, and keep you informed with what is going on![/b]