Weather station 2015 maybe

Jan 5, 2008
Dear Chasers

I want to know something real simple if your going to use the weather equipment from R.M. Young is it better to go with the aspirated S Shield that the guys at NSSL use using parts from local Home depot and a Brushless fan from Radio Shack to build it 3 to 3 1/2 "ch PVC pipe to put the R.M.Young Temp/Humidity sensor in OR do you chasers like the multi plate Radiation Shield that R.M.young sells model # 41003 that is the one that they are reccomending to me and i'm just curious on what all of you chasers think. I like the NSSL S shield personally. If I could get some feedback I would appreciate it.


Shawn C.

As long as the S shield is made properly, I think both options would be nearly identical. I would think the S shield would protect your instruments from any wind blown precip a little better than a multi-plate radiation shield. Not sure how well the "natural ventilation" works on the R.M. Young radiation shield, but they make some quality stuff, so either option would probably be fine. I'm also not sure what this data is being used for, but if it's mainly for recreation/reporting to the station, you're probably not gonna notice a difference.