Weather channel / stormtrack

Ian, thanks for the regards/concern. We do think that the staff at The Weather Channel/Landmark Communications has the best interest of the weather community in mind with this acquisition, though I expect that you may see new site staff operators after the changeover.

I have mixed feelings about no longer being an official part of the ST management team after this is completed, but the MODS and Tim discussed this at great lengths before making the recommendation that Tim sell what interests he has in the forum while there are still viable offers on the table. Given Tim's recent time constraints in managing the site, I ultimately feel it might have been the best move for everyone here.
Well, it was fun while it lasted... Now we'll have advertisements and gardening reports.

Can they show movies on here too?
Great April Fools prank. Had me going for a few moments. (Such a move would certainly be the death of Stormtrack, as we know it.) I think the giveaway that it wasn't real was the following line, however:
the administrator role will be filled by field reporter Jim Cantore

Really clever how it only shows up once (the first time your browser hits ST) and then it is gone!
Nice work guys! You had me pretty scared there for a minute as the message was sinking in. Now I'm off to change my underwear.
Wow! I was already pranked once today...and now a second time! I almost lost my breakfast reading that statement...very cruel but effective April Fools joke!
I can't even describe my initial reaction. Then Lisa reminded me what day it is. I reread the whole thing and this time I laughed my butt off. What a classic! You've got to hand it to Tim, he knew exactly which buttons to push and he pushed them all.