Weather calendars and copyright infringement?

Jun 24, 2004

I know this is getting old, but I came across this and felt it was news worthy since they sell these things in all the major bookstores and malls. If you look at the back cover the first picture in the second roll, it could be your “alligatorâ€￾ pic. Not sure about any of the others, and maybe you have an agreement worked out with them. Anyway good luck.
And the 4th picture in the second row is mine. The cover picture is Daphne Zaras', and I'll assume they didn't ask her permission either.

No permission was given. Martin Lisius, I'll be giving you a call! Heads will roll!
Looks like the work of moronic internet workers that needed to produce placeholders for their bosses?


Why would they include the cover of last year's calendar inside of the following year's?

Or perhaps I wasn't that clear ;)

My theory is the calendars posted on the website aren't the ones on sale. Instead, the company had their website peons come up with a hypothetical calendar for 2006 so they could get orders. A simple placeholder if you will until the actual calendar is finalized.

The image I included shows Eric Nguyen's Mulvane picture. This image was the cover of last year's calendar. They surely wouldn't use the same image two years in a row would they?

Either way, it's still copyright infringement. Where would they get files large enough for printing a calendar, however?

Possibly.... check this out:

Link from browntrout (this isn't one of their calendars):

From the actual publisher (accord):

So which is it? ;)

Hey! Aaron posted my picture - ROFL. 8)

But - isn't that May 3rd Daphne Zaras image public domain??? I believe she took it while on Federal time or something...... :?

Originally posted by Kurt Silvey

I know this is getting old, but I came across this and felt it was news worthy since they sell these things in all the major bookstores and malls. If you look at the back cover the first picture in the second roll, it could be your “alligatorâ€￾ pic. Not sure about any of the others, and maybe you have an agreement worked out with them. Anyway good luck.

I believe that picture isnt Mike's, but rather.. Seymour, TX.. I think.. I could be wrong, but I've definetly seen it before, its at least 10 years old.