WC Thunderstorm Outlook

Unfortunately the weather channel has become just about totally useless.

Man I can remember a time when I was glued to that channel. Now when I see it as I flip through stations it just makes me sad to see the way it has become... :?

Check out this one. Notice the little strip of "general thunderstorms" in eastern Upper Michigan, surrounded by "severe". And then there's the oddly-shaped strip of "severe" in north Texas.

That's exactly what I mean... It looks more like someone shot the map with a red and orange paintball gun, that's how random the locations are...

Their forecast is no longer hand made - It's generated by an MM5 model, and then slightly altered to correct any major errors...
Another question is why does TWC use the same graphic products
from 10 years ago, or longer?

With all that advertising you would think they could afford some
good graphic products like WGN's Tom Skilling uses.

I did hear from a friend who works for a local satellite service that NBC is starting some kind of new 24 hr. cable weather channel, using local
stations that will include breaking weather stories. Any body know about
