Originally posted by bill mudd
just purchased a 140 watt cigarette lighter adapter (by cyber power) that they said would power a notebook - but it wont power my lap top - Does anyone know ABOUT how many watts an average laptop requires while running a delorme map series?
This info should be useful.
Helpful formulas:
To Convert AMPS to WATTS:
Multiply: AMPS X 120 (AC voltage) = WATTS
This formula yields a close approximation of the continuous load of the appliance
To Calculate approximate Startup Load:
Multiply: WATTS X 2 = Starting Load
This formula yields a close approximation of the starting load of the appliance, though some may require an even greater starting load. NOTE: Induction motors such as air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers and pumps may have a start up surge of 3 to 7 times the continuous rating.
Most often the start up load of the appliance or power tool determines whether an inverter has the capability to power it.
For example, you have a freezer with a continuous load of 4 amps, and a start up load of 12 amps:
4 amps x 120 volts = 480 watts continuous
12 amps x 120 volts = 1440 watts starting load
You would need an inverter with peak-surge rating greater than 1440 watts.
FORMULA to convert AC Watts to DC Amps:
AC Watts divided by 12 x 1.1 = DC Amps
(this is the size vehicle alternator you would need to keep up with a specific load; for example, to keep up with a continuous draw of 1000 watts, you would need a 91 amp alternator)
The above info found at
There are other noteable questions and answers on the site.
As for where to buy inverters....I bought mine at
http://www.techbuys.net/techbuys2003/power...-inverters.html for an extremely affordable price.
Hope that helps some.