WAP site for SPC products?

Mike Johnson

I know this topic was discussed before, but never answered and the
thread died.

With the chase season almost here (I hope) I was wondering if anyone
ever found SPC data in a WAP format for cell phones? The only
site I could find was the NOAA site with only Day 1. Anyone
found a site(s) with Day's 2-3, mesoscale discussions, watches and/or SPC graphics?


There sure is, you just have to manually edit the address to get to the other SPC products...

For example, the Day 1 Convective outlook is http://www.srh.noaa.gov/wml/wapshp.php?prod=WNSSWODY1 ... If you want the day 2 outlook (SWODY2), just change the "1" to a "2" or a "3" (if you want the day 3 outlook)...

EDIT: Ok, so here's the list for the WAP SRH page for SPC products:
Day 1 Outlook: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/wml/wapshp.php?prod=WNSSWODY1
Day 2 Outlook: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/wml/wapshp.php?prod=WNSSWODY2
Day 3 Outlook: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/wml/wapshp.php?prod=WNSSWODY3
Latest Mesoscale Discussion: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/wml/wapshp.php?prod=WNSSWOMCD

I would have thought that the latest watch would be WNSWWUS20, but that doesn't seem to work...
Text works great. Thanks again.

Now if only we could find a Day 1 and Meso graphic product for WAP!

I tried adding the usual WUUS01 PTSDY1 for Day1 graphics but it
did not work. Guess there are limits to graphics working on WAP!

Text works great. Thanks again.

Now if only we could find a Day 1 and Meso graphic product for WAP!

I tried adding the usual WUUS01 PTSDY1 for Day1 graphics but it
did not work. Guess there are limits to graphics working on WAP!


Well, you can get the points text by just entering WNSPTSDY1 (2, 3), but I haven't found a way to get the graphics yet...
Another free source of WAP wx data...
NWS has a new WAP weather page, accessible at:


You can get radar images from any radar, the day one SPC outlook, and a lot more info. In addition, you can enter a city name or zip code and get local info, including local forecast and obs, radar, hazardous weather outlook, area forecast discussion, etc.

The mesoanalysis page in wap format would sure be nice. The problem with the new nws page is that the radar is [for the most part] useless. There's no zoom or loops. But the text is still great to have (SPC) and I use Pilot Cast for radar and various overlays.
www.srh.noaa.gov/wml has just added swody2, swody3 & latest MCD to the convective outlook page, with thanks to Susan Beckwith of the SRH & Leon Minton of CIMMS.

With the chase season almost here (I hope) I was wondering if anyone
ever found SPC data in a WAP format for cell phones? The only
site I could find was the NOAA site with only Day 1. Anyone
found a site(s) with Day's 2-3, mesoscale discussions, watches and/or SPC graphics?


Glad to see that ,now my cingular phone will be worth something when out. So far radar and satelite pictures are scrambled on mine . Guess they want me to buy another upgrade from last years.... :roll:
Jeff: I tried the tornadocentral link and I get a "page cannot be displayed" note. I'm guessing WAP graphics require some special kind of mark-up or sizing?

I'm guessing someone will find a way to display SPC graphics

Doesn't work on my Moto V551; "The Requested Page can not be displayed" . I checked for typos but no joy.

For whatever reason, my WAP and HTML browser on my phone isn't working right now...

I made up a page that should show the graphics, as well as provide links to the full-size graphics and the text for Day 1-2-3 outlook, MCDs, and Watches. Can someone test it out for me?

I think I found the problem... It works now on my phone! Try it again...

If you have Cingular... On my phone (Motorola MPx220), there is a setting that I can change from "Connect to: WAP" to "Connect to: The Internet". If I have it set on WAP, the images are highly compressed and in black and white. In fact, you can't really make out the graphics. When I change it to "The Internet", however, it bypasses Cingular WAP proxy (which is what changes the images/graphics), and I have a good image.