WANTED: Mobile Ham Radio

Mar 21, 2004
Urbana, IL
If anyone has a mobile ham radio they aren't using and are looking to pawn off, let me know. My current radio (yaesu ft7800R) has suffered a nasty unknown problem and is inoperable. I'm still going through hoops trying to get it fixed, but since chase season is almost in full swing and I'm without a ham radio at the moment I'm looking for a quick solution, even if it's temporary til I get mine back if we ever get it fixed.

EDIT: If anyone knows of a place where I can find radios for cheaper than the ~$300 for a new radio price, let me know as well! Ebay only seems to be selling around the new asking price.
If 2 meters is good enough a brand new Kenwood TM-271A Mobile will cost you $179 plus tax and shipping at Universal Radio:


These are good radios. Should be a really good deal if found used, but at this price new is quite affordable.

Of course if you really need a dual bander they'll cost more, however there's still several models from Icom, Kenwood and even your Yaesu FT-7800R available for less then $300 new.

I've ordered several items from universal in the past and have been quite satisfied with the products and service I received.
I'm also a fan of universal radio. I would prefer it be dual band, but can make a sacrifice if it comes to that. The reason I like my yaesu model so much was because of the weather alert function, where it scanned all the weather frequencies every 10 seconds or something and gave an audible (but not obnoxious) beep whenever EAS toned on any frequency.
The yaesu 2800 is fairly cheap.. only single band, but does have the same alert feature.. runs 65 watts.. i have it, and like it!

I might do that. I was thinking it over... and while I like having the dual band, I can probably count the number of times I have used the upper band on one hand. I very very rarely use the ham radio when I'm not chasing, and when I use it while chasing it's only to talk to other chasers and we've never used the UHF band. So I was looking at the first model down from the dual banders (which is the 2800) and saw its a little more than half the price of my dual band radio and figure since I rarely use the other band, why pay twice for it?
Jim, can I ask what the weather alert feature sounds like on your ICOM radio? It may be a silly question, but I really liked how non-obnoxious the yaesu alert. It was a subtle high pitched beeping. The reason I ask is because my scanner has an alert function and it sounds like a freaking car alarm so I've never considered using it.
Jim, can I ask what the weather alert feature sounds like on your ICOM radio? It may be a silly question, but I really liked how non-obnoxious the yaesu alert. It was a subtle high pitched beeping. The reason I ask is because my scanner has an alert function and it sounds like a freaking car alarm so I've never considered using it.

Honestly, I have never used it so I cannot tell you. I have a weather alert radio for home and the 2 meter rig only comes on in the evenings for the local nets. I will try it tonight to see if I can make it go off on a test and let you know.
If you are not too concerned about getting another Yaesu, I have had good luck with the FT-1802, if you are not concerned about the 70 cm band. It's only a 2 meter, but I believe it has the same WX alert feature as the 7800R. It has worked well for me, and you can buy it new at HRO for around $130. If you are getting your rig repaired, the 1802 is reasonably priced with good resale value as well.