Wanted: hail larger than golfballs

Dec 8, 2003
Grand Forks, ND
Well... hind sight is 20/20 and I should of posted this earlier, but I figured the season would of been more interesting.

I am teaching a severe weather class to some lil kids this summer (July). I was hoping to find some large hail that we could cut open for it.

If any of you grab some hail and stick it in a cooler (in the OUN area) please let me know. I don't have much in the way to hand out as monetary rewards... but I'll come up with something.

I used to have a few 2.75"-3" hailstones, but that was like 6 years ago LOL.

Now that you mention it, however, I think I'm going to start carrying a small cooler on chases, for the sole purpose of collecting large (>2.5") hail. Who knows, maybe I can Ebay it? LOL. Hey, if people buy Mother Theresa french fries, why not a Kansas 3.5" hailstone?
What are some good ways to preserve hail? Every time I've tried collecting it it's either melted in the ice chest or sublimated in the freezer.
Originally posted by Jeff Wear
What are some good ways to preserve hail? Every time I've tried collecting it it's either melted in the ice chest or sublimated in the freezer.

I would think dry ice would work until you get home. I think you can get it at Wal-Mart now. Then when you get home leave in a deep freezer. I don't know just an Idea. Getting dry ice is the last thing on my mind before I go chasing. lol

We still have the 5-12-04 stone, but I'm afraid I can't let you use it. The mere mention of donating the stone had Jo and Crista all over my butt, apparently there's sentimental (empahsis on the 'mental') value to it.

I'll go look in my backseat; I may still have a few from 5-12-05 in there somewhere....