Video: CNN Weather Man Loses It

Here's the "None of the your f*ckin business" clip.

I hate RapidShare too.

They are also showing some footage on CNN every now and then of basically a driver going right into flood waters and a reporter running to get him. I'm going to try and capture that. I also have a an unedited feed from WWL I got off a stream if anyone wants that.

Anybody have that video of the citizen telling the news anchor to f-off live on the air? :twisted:
Nice! :) I saved both of those clips into my personal archives. I don't blame the weather guy at all as most news anchors in my opinion are air-headed Glamor-shots clones. This of course coming from a non-Glamor shots kind of guy who frightens small children and scares small, cute, furry animals. ;-)

Anybody who watched Harold Taft on Channel 5 in the DFW area years ago can testify about the way he'd react to dingy anchors. He would "admonish", in a wise but stern grandfatherly way, the on-air anchors when on occassion they'd quip something pretty lame or stupid as they "turned it over to the weather desk". I always cracked up because the anchors would be quite humbled and hushed as a result....completely decimating their mouthy on-air personality into one of a quiet, sullen school kid. LOL!! I'd give just about anything to see a few of those clips today. :)
We had CNN on at work and I was watching this particular segment. There needs to be more shown from this MPEG. IT was really light-hearted humor. After all it was 4am in the morning, and this was nothing more than a little bit of comic relief. Trust me.
That's what I was going to guess - I'd like to see more before and after to see what all happened...
It sounds like that woman is kind of foolish...I'm sure he would have explained it when he was finished....sometimes I get really sick of these anchors...

well now im all curious about that Good Morning America segment. I always love tv bloopers. You sure can get a lot of them when a major news story breaks such as this. Charles Gipson just comes across as a really mild mannered man, the type that maintains composure when he gets upset. This is something id like to see.