Video: CNN Weather Man Loses It

Gosh darn pushy anchors. Let the poor guy talk and explain what he's showing before yapping your flapper.

I'm sure the extra long shift and crazy workload made for some tense moments.
I'd love to see it, but that link doesn't work. Even if I trim the extra tags off the end of it, I still get a "file not found" message on the page.

EDIT: Nevermind. It's just picky about which browser you use.
shepard smith interview

that link wouldnt work for me but i think i saw what you were talking about, the guy said to the woman "would you let me talk?!" or something?..i saw on fox yesterday shepard smith was talking to people in the quarter who were riding out the storm on the phone and he asked this guy "why are you staying ?!!" and the guy was like 'why dont you mind your own fucking business' lol gotta love it. anyone have a clip of that?
This is a flaky codec and didn't work on one of my computers, so here it is:


(CNN, 4:32 am EDT, tossing between newsdesk anchor and weatherman, radar animation in background)
WEATHERMAN: ...couple of hours ago, so it has filled in a little bit, filled in with some air...
ANCHOR: Ok, so...
WEATHERMAN: this lower pressure, but Camille...
WEATHERMAN: ...Chad, Chad, Chad, Chad...
ANCHOR: (meekly, smoothly) Translate that for us! I don't know what it means! What does that mean?
WEATHERMAN: (Throwing papers down) Oh if only you would let me talk! (closes eyes, recomposes) Camille...

It would be worth determining if this is authentic -- I'd figure with all the night owls here on ST someone would have seen it. If so, man, that's good AMS Seal of Approval material!

You have to scroll down to the bottom and click the free button, then you can download it.

Man is that hilarious. That lady was being really annoying. I can certainly sympathize with the guy. He should have whipped out a squirt gun! :lol:

I don't think he said f--k you though, I think he said, "Well, if you would just let me talk!"
Re: shepard smith interview

that link wouldnt work for me but i think i saw what you were talking about, the guy said to the woman "would you let me talk?!" or something?..i saw on fox yesterday shepard smith was talking to people in the quarter who were riding out the storm on the phone and he asked this guy "why are you staying ?!!" and the guy was like 'why dont you mind your own $$$$$$$$ business' lol gotta love it. anyone have a clip of that?

Yeah, I wasn't going to post it because of "adult content" but I can if you want.
Re: shepard smith interview

Yeah, I wasn't going to post it because of "adult content" but I can if you want.
Whoa! You have it?? I laughed myself sick when I heard it live! I'd love to DL it!
I don't think he said f--k you though, I think he said, "Well, if you would just let me talk!"

I don't think he said f--k, I watched it a few times I can't see it or hear it. Even goes to show the pros get tired.
This is a flaky codec and didn't work on one of my computers, so here it is:

It would be worth determining if this is authentic -- I'd figure with all the night owls here on ST someone would have seen it. If so, man, that's good AMS Seal of Approval material!


It's MPEG1. Also, I was switching between a few channels overnight but did not see this. However, I don't really know how it could be fake.
Just downloaded it.. it's real all right.. (without the f-bomb). Very funny!

The female anchor is extremely rude and annoying... not surprised the guy snapped at all...
When Good Morning America came on at 7am EST Charlie Gibson got caught throwing down his papers as they rolled the big opening scene tape. Not sure exactly what happened, but he was pretty mad.