Very strange cloud formations on satellite

Don't blame Fox News... ;)

I am 42 and I have seen the whole sky become overcast from spreading contrails many times.

Oops, I forgot to add your name to that list ;) How's your forecast for the total collapse of society working out?

Stage 5: Cultural collapse. Faith in the goodness of humanity is lost. People lose their capacity for "kindness, generosity, consideration, affection, honesty, hospitality, compassion, charity" (Turnbull, The Mountain People). Families disband and compete as individuals for scarce resources. The new motto becomes "May you die today so that I die tomorrow" (Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago). There may even be some cannibalism.
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Oops, I forgot to add your name to that list ;) How's your forecast for the total collapse of society working out?

Ok... lol... misquoting is cool. Re-read my post. You tell me how everything is going these days. How is your 401K (if you have one)? Still employed? How about your house, foreclosed yet? Notice how gas is going up despite deflation, pretty cool huh? Let's get back together this summer say in Aug or so and discuss how things are going.
I'm 24 and I have NEVER seen a post as silly as that. You and Jim S need to watch less Fox News. And yes, I will be paying attention to this system as it moves east but only because I plan on chasing it and not to spot the little green men dropping hail from the skies.

Silly? Ok Chad, I can tell you for a fact-that as you chase this storm you can rest assured NO LITTLE GREEN MEN will drop out of the skies!

But again-Why are they paths in circles? The ships are steaming in very very large circles? Does that make sense?

Silly=1. witless, senseless, dull-witted, dim-witted. See foolish. 2. inane, asinine, nonsensical, preposterous.

Therefore you are NAME CALLING

But again-Why are they paths in circles? The ships are steaming in very very large circles? Does that make sense?



It may be naval vessels. I was in the US Navy and cannot count the days we were just out for the sake of being out, doing circles. That's common. Fishing vessels do it also, but I don't see a fishing vessel putting out enough to cause the trails. But who knows...
Definitely ship trails. The Juan De Fuca Strait to Unimak Pass route is very busy year round, and all the trails were oriented nw-se before being "moved" by the mid/upper level flow to a more n-s orientation.
Yes, ship trails can show up well on sat pics. We often see aircraft contrails on sat pics over here in the UK during anticyclonic spells when the upper air is fairly moist. There's nothing sinister going on! I can't believe people think this kind of stuff, to be honest.
I just found a bit of related news. It seems that the University of Edinburgh the National Centre for Atmospheric Research in Colorado are actually trying to create clouds at sea.

You can read more about it in this article in the London Telegraph.