VERY impresive colorado landspout video

That is some incredible video. I just have a question about it. (mods feel free to move this if it belongs somewhere else) In most of the vids/pics I have seen of stronger landspouts, how come they are often thin tubes with HUGE debris fans? Why does that happen?
I was about to start a thread with this pic from Weather Underground-is this the same tube? I have dial-up, so I can't view the video.

It more than likely is, but that view does no justice compared to the choppers view. Here is a screen shot...

I took my mom to the doctor this afternoon, and I saw the CNN footage in the waiting room. That's incredible footage, for sure! How fast were the winds in that tube?
I actually saw some of the footage (a lot of nice zoomed in views) LIVE on THE WEATHER CHANNEL! Can you believe it? They actually interrupted the usual "Weather & Your Gardening Health Changed History Could Happen Tomorrow" programming to cut to an unfolding news story! I was a bit shocked, and this during the waning days of a tropical event. 24 hours of Tropical Fay flood coverage wasn't captivating enough, like it normally is? ;)