Very Close Tornado Video From Poland

The video you linked to is not the original. The date was 8-15-2008. Not sure what the other weather board had, but ST had a NOW thread on that date for Eastern Europe, a post reporting the outbreak after the fact, and a substantial post-event discussion thread. In this case, all are easily found with a search of the forum on "Poland".

I can't speak for the other board, whatever it is, but I can say that generally not much gets by ST members and interesting weather-related stuff gets posted (and generally discussed) not long after the event, if not in real-time on the StormTrack forum.
I found the Poland tornado link off of Eastern US Weather Forums. I'm sorry if it seemed I was trying to get something by ST, because I wasn't....was posting a video I thought was interesting and took the dates as correct.
I found the Poland tornado link off of Eastern US Weather Forums. I'm sorry if it seemed I was trying to get something by ST, because I wasn't....was posting a video I thought was interesting and took the dates as correct.

Unless I am mistaken I don't think he was pointing that at you but at those faking dates in general as in the video poster.....
No apology necessary, Rob and we're glad to have you here on Stormtrack. Thought you might find the historic discussion threads entertaining/educational since this event interested you.

A side peeve has to do with YouTubers (YouGoobers ?) who post other people's stuff as their own. You can usually find the original (and thus give proper credit) by looking at the view-counts of videos found in the Related Videos section of the YouTube page. (This requires visiting the YouTube page if you are simply viewing the video embedded on someone's blog or something). In this case (Poland video) you can also tell from the language of the headline and usernames involved.

I think we've all been guilty of posting things on forums after they have already been posted/discussed earlier (I know I have) so no biggie there. In my own cases, I generally could find if it had been discussed by using the site's search box or searching Google for the appropriate keywords and limiting the search to the site I was considering posting on. Such as:
Poland tornado video