Verizon Data Options

Jan 18, 2004
DeKalb, IL
My contract is up and I am in desperate need of a new phone (I have the old Motorola V120e). Anyway, I am thinking of getting the Motorola V325 or E815 with the "new every two" deal. I do not want to purchase a new Ositech card for this phone ... heck, I don't want to deal with a freakin' Ositech card or cord ever again!

So, to my question: Do I have to purchase the NationalAccess data plan ($59.99/mo) in order to obtain an internet connection through my new phone. Or, can I purchase the Mobile Office Kit and still gain access (using minutes only) to an ISP like MSN or AOL? I have read in the archives that Verizon is locking phones so they can't dial out to an ISP anymore. Is this true?

Thanks in advance to the Verizon gurus. -Walker
As of a few weeks ago when I tested my ISP dial-up setup (Mobile Phone Tools v.2, Motorola E815, Bluetooth, Verizon) preparing for next weeks trip, it was working just fine. The Bluetooth also shared fine with the Delorme Bluelogger GPS. Things do change and you reminded me that I'd better check again. I'll try to do that tonight.

The E815 at least is a dual-mode CDMA (no analog), so the main feature of an Ositech card is useless. Verizon's analog-only coverage is about nil now anyway, and it was pretty sucky when you did get an analog connection.

... Of course the way things are looking weather-wise for next week, we might as well just stay at a motel someplace with wi-fi and cry about the injustice of it all! :(
I would stick with the E815 for one. Also, Dialup Networking can be enabled in the 8720_01.17.03 Firmware by just dialing ##Dialup (##342587). Verizon has just started allowing dial-up through the use of #777. The username is <Your Phone Number> and the password will be vzw. Alternatively, if you are going to use the internet for more, I would suggest using QNC or your own ISP. For QNC, the number is #777, the username is qnc and the password is qnc.

You can also host your local machine as a server using NOWAP, and then change the server settings in the phone itself to access the internet on your phone for airtime use costs only (i.e., acts just like you're on the phone with no additional charge). Not the best way to view the internet but certainly better when that's your only choice -phone web vs. no web? Radar actually shows up nice enough and there are other products readily availale that work great on the E815.

hope that helps!
I have the Motorola V710 and do not use the National Access plan. I have gone round and round with Verizon on more than a few occasions, but the bottom line is that NO, you do not need to use the National Access. I just use the Quick 2 Net as Josh stated with the user name and password of qnc. The only drawback is that I have to pay a little closer attention to my monthly minutes, but I have them jacked way up anyway. You can get ALOT of minutes for an additional $60. It is better than nothing. This year I think I am going to experiment with a Verizon EVDO card and see how that works out.
I got Verizon's EVDO plan yesterday and canceled it today.

The "Telesales" rep signed me up for the $80 / month plan stating that since I had my own PC card I didn't qualify for the $60 plan. The activation fee was jacked up to $35 as opposed to the $25 fee. BTW, I have a qualifying voice plan and have been a customer for over seven years. Since there's a 15 day trial period, I decided to give it a go.

Today I spent hours with a fairly well qualified tech support rep that finally found that my card's ESN was still registered under the previous user's account and this duplication was causing authentication problems on the network. Since the old account had been closed for a year they say "no problem, wait 20 minutes or so and re-activate the card and all will be well". Not so. After four hours of trying to logon, I called and canceled the new account. They then stated that I was indeed qualified for the $60 / month plan but by that time the damage had been done. I had been dealing with a bunch of knuckle heads at best or possibly crooks at the worst.

I promptly went to the web site of the folks that run the EVDO forums where I had been researching my options and filled out a request for service with them (they rep for Verizon). About an hour later I got a call that the account had been set up at the correct billing rate and that my new card will arrive tomorrow. Much better customer service and the rep was able to answer some tech questions regarding external antennas and amplifiers.

I will post back with the results and report how well the new vendor fulfills the order and how well the EVDO connection performs. I am in North Texas and we may get some weather tomorrow (Friday) night.

As for the ability to use a phone as a modem, there's no problem. I just connected several hours ago. You can use any ISP's dialup number and the USB to serial converter cable makes the phone looks just like a modem to the computer. Albeit a very slow 14.4 modem. Not so hot for high bandwidth needs like radar imagery. This has worked for me for several years with my old /\/\otorola Startac and my current V60. I am not sure about other phone brands but both /\/\oto's worked fine.
I have an old qualcom 2035a or something like that and verizon's single rate plan. I have the mobile office kit thingy too. All I do is dial my home ISP with it and it works. Since getting wifi and xm I rarely do this at all anymore(never once in 05 other than one chase when xm was off). I did do it Monday in KS though and it still worked fine.
Also, Dialup Networking can be enabled in the 8720_01.17.03 Firmware by just dialing ##Dialup (##342587). Verizon has just started allowing dial-up through the use of #777. The username is <Your Phone Number> and the password will be vzw. Alternatively, if you are going to use the internet for more, I would suggest using QNC or your own ISP. For QNC, the number is #777, the username is qnc and the password is qnc.[/b]

I can confirm that this does work with the Moto E815. You have to type ##Dialup VERY fast though to get it to work. Otherwise it will say the call cannot be completed. I connected using Motorola Phone Tools with a USB dongle last night using: 1) an ISP (NetZero) and 2) using the #777 QNC. Although the QNC is supposed to be faster, it wasn't. Perhaps it was my connection. Both were "screaming" at 14.4 :lol: Albeit, this is fast enough (for me) to download radar and surface gifs.

I will also give the Cingular Data Card a try again for 30 days. It worked like a charm last year. The Verizon dialup is a backup.

Thanks for the info!
you may also want to back off the most recent MPT to get access to the EN (ehanced network) setup, just to see if your speeds change. Try v.3.23 to access it. But that's the one VZW may get pissy about if you abuse it too much, just as a cautionary. But if it cooks, it may be just what you need in that "come on data lets go!" moment.
I have an LG VX5200, and have been using the #777 and VZW network most of March and all of April with out any issues. I bought a cable on ebay for $5 and setup the phone as a modem in XP and away we go! Most of the time I connect to their 1x network and speeds are pretty good. I use this to simultaneously grab data for GRL3 and browse SPC, COD, ect. I’m usually connected for about 5-10 minutes at a time. I have yet to see any charges for this, maybe they just haven’t caught up yet. :unsure:
I've never been comfortable with using #777 since the charges could show up. Here's a story this week for someone that got charged $147 for about 350 minutes of 777 time. (Even though it's use was an error, it still showed it was billed). So take your chances.

Not sure where Josh heard they just started allowing this. I've been using this method for about 2 years now with an LG4400 and never had an issue. Granted I'm not dling tons of data (abusing it), but like most here would use it for...basic weather images and data. I pay no extra charges for a data plan whatsoever thus far. I don't know about the newer phones, but having a web enabled phone for stuff like, Get it now, ring tones, etc, I don't think verizon is even checking to see what data is passing through....unless the bandwidth is some astronomical amount. I probably use it a few times a week even during non chase season for e-mail and casual surfing when I'm not at home....still no complaints from the folks at VZ.
I would have to agree with Tony, dialing #777 may be of use if you have no other dialup ISP but may be risky in terms of billing.

EVDO rocks! Less that 24 hours from placing the order I am now online with 418 kbps down and 97 kbps up RSSI is -82 dbm. I can highly recommend I have no relationship with them other than being a satisfied customer.

Several reasons to avoid ordering directly from Verizon:
1. They offer more than one card but TeleSales doesn't seem to know this. They push the Audiovox PC 5740 which has no external antenna connector.
2. They incorrectly set me up on the most expensive plan.
3. They bump you around from Sales, to Customer Service, and Tech Support not giving any real answers to questions.

I have learned several tips regarding Verizon EVDO but don't want to get too far off topic from Ashley's original question. Maybe in another thread...
I have learned several tips regarding Verizon EVDO but don't want to get too far off topic ... [/b]

Rick ... please continue your discussion in this thread. My questions have been answered. I have changed the thread title to broaden the scope of the thread. -Walker
Not sure where Josh heard they just started allowing this. I've been using this method for about 2 years now with an LG4400 and never had an issue.[/b]

Yeah, I c/ped that info from way back. It is old news for the most part. In terms of charges though, folks have been getting billed for over extensive use, so it's certainly not unheard of. Definately a good back up plan to the 30 Day Cingular card as Walker has mentioned, but I wouldn't set up your home internet with it :p

EVDO tethering is quite dangerous...but as always, there are ways, EVDO deactivation, and other 1x force mode techniques to fool around with