using PDA for GPS mapping

Mar 7, 2004
Broken Arrow, OK
I currently use Delorme Street Atlas 2005 with an Earthmate USB type GPS receiver with my laptop great, but would like smaller display screen.

I've never used a PDA, but have seen them advertised as GPS compatible. According to Delormes web site, many PDAs will work with the Earthmate.

Any recommendations? I'm wanting to go fairly cheap, and looking at older color models such as Palm 130 and 515. I'm anticipating using the PDA for little else, and since I already have the Earthmate, I would use it as the receiver.

What about speed and memory issues? Would I be able to download several states, say the Southern Plains with county roads, if I had a large memory card?

Any input is welcome....Thanks, George Flickinger
I was in the same boat as you this past season, I ended up getting a PDA to use for GPS and in the end I absolutely hated it and went back to using my laptop. I hated the small display screen.

Actually someone on this forum ended up buying it from me, don't recall who.
I too have tried the PDA route with little success. The problem I had was with processing speed. I'm sure with newer technology the processor can handle more but with later versions of the mapping software (that are probably heftier) you could possibly experience the same lag.
I didn't like the small screen either.
Just my opinion...
I'm the one that bought the PDA and GPS from you Joey. George, I really have liked this combination a whole lot. The screen size does not bother me at all. I have Delorme Street Atlas 2005 on it and it does a fine job. I'm the type that hates messing with bulky gear on a chase so this combo works very well for me.
The only drawback I've had with the ipaq I use is when you have it zoomed in so it will show the smaller dirt/gravel roads you lose being able to see more than a few miles ahead on the map. Not a big problem , you just have less time to decide your choices . This is with SA 2005 so I don't know if other maps are the same way.

I use 128 mb cards for the maps and divide the sections up. ie: ne. okla. nc Okla, ec okla. Each section is usually 4-8 mb , depending on the city sizes in the section. For Tulsa and OKC I have them as seperate sections.SA moves right into the next map section with no problems.

I use a suction cup cradle attached to the winshield which has held all year and keeps it at eye level.


Another PDA Option would be the StormHawk system. It's similar to the XM Satellite deal (Name escapes me right now) but on PDA. It offers Radar, GPS and station tracking as well. It's not a bad looking thing. I believe you saw it at Wichita last year. Mike Smith is a member of ST and you might give him a look.

John Diel
I have obtained a gently used Palm m515, and have figured out to ingest the maps. How do I connect the Earthmate USB to the Palm? It appears I need an adapter cable....George
Originally posted by George Flickinger
I have obtained a gently used Palm m515, and have figured out to ingest the maps. How do I connect the Earthmate USB to the Palm? It appears I need an adapter cable....George

This page indicates it uses a universal adapter and links a page to buy for $39 but there is no picture or info on it.

One forum I read said CompUSA carries them...[/url]