Update your GR3

Thank you and Tyler Allison for sharing that. I rarely go to the GR forums and miss a lot of stuff. After reading about the timeout issues with Apache servers, this just might help fix an issue I have been having. I'm hoping!
I was going to update and I noticed the new version was 1.78. The version I am using is 1.78.3. My version seems newer. Is that incorrect?
Each radar site only has data out to a certain point, why would you need to zoom out more than that? If you're after an application to display nationwide radar data all at once, this isn't the application for you.
I'm not talking the data, I'm talking the ability to see other sites. I find it very anoying that if I zoom out too far I see nothing but blankness. I have to zoom in and if I zoom in the wrong spot I have to pan to get back onto the "map".
Oh, you're wanting the base map. I usually just select the site I want via the menu bar, but I could see how a visual map would be helpful.
It could also be possible to link to sites together and have an overlay. Just download the info for both. It will double your bandwidth but for large storms or storms that are threading the needle, it could be handy.
It could also be possible to link to sites together and have an overlay.

No it's not... That is what GREarth does. What you can do in GR2/3 is run the program multiple times. It wouldn't work otherwise (i.e. if you have a base velocity map showing, it'd be impossible to interpret a composite.(
25. You can determine mileage by right-clicking to set a point, then the distance/direction readout at the bottom will show you.