Trying to get ahold of Weather Gods (Mark Lingl and Mark Humphrey)

Aug 27, 2009

I have been trying to get ahold of Mark Lingl and Mark Humphrey of Weather Gods storm tours for some two weeks now. I am not sure if they have some problem with their e-mail or something but I get no responses at all. I have booked a tour with them this May and I need to get confirmation on my booking.

So, if anyone know them personally or have any additional contact information (mobile phone number, Skype etc) could you either let them know I need to get ahold of them and/or provide me with that information.


Christoffer B
E-mail: christoffer <A> wallcloud . se

I have been trying to get ahold of Mark Lingl and Mark Humphrey of Weather Gods storm tours for some two weeks now. I am not sure if they have some problem with their e-mail or something but I get no responses at all. I have booked a tour with them this May and I need to get confirmation on my booking.

So, if anyone know them personally or have any additional contact information (mobile phone number, Skype etc) could you either let them know I need to get ahold of them and/or provide me with that information.


Christoffer B
E-mail: christoffer <A> wallcloud . se

I don't know what to tell you other than, it sounds like you got scammed. I've been storm chasing for about 15 years and I've never heard of Weather Gods Storm Tours and I have no idea who Mark Lingl or Mark Humphery are, I've never heard of them. Sounds to me like they scammed you. You should have booked your chase tour with a reputable storm chase tour group that contains reputable storm chasers, such as Extreme Chase Tours I think in this case, you're pretty much screwed.
Mark Lingl is on Facebook, so try there maybe... I have heard of Weather gods, for several years, something is probably wrong with their email. (Note, not associated with them so I don't know...)

They are one of thew few tours where there is some sort of registration/paper work on file for these tours (from what little I can see). So more likely to be a legit company than some others...
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Mark is a good friend of mine and i will call his personal phone and let him know your trying to contact him. I promise you that you are not getting scammed. Joey you should hold your comments to you know what your talking about.
Hi all,

Thanks for all your help and thanks to you too Jim. I got ahold of Mark last night, it turned out he had been sick for quite some time.

I got my deposit back right away. So, Weather Gods might not be known to some of you but they are not scammers. Regarding their website, I believe that is the standard of most of the storm chasing tour operators (I have visited all of them), with some exceptions.
I want to apologize if my response seemed rude and out of line, that wasn't my intention at all. It's just my way of life when it comes to either purchasing a product or service from a company, to stick from buying from those who are known and have an established reputation. I've never heard of Weather Gods or the people who run it, so immediately I just fed off that. Same way when I'm in the market for a new camera, and I see some company I've never heard of selling it at a better price than others, I immediately tell myself if I buy from them, don't be surprised to pay for something you don't receive so I stay clear of them.

It's just my thing, and my response fed off that, so apologies if my response came across as rude.