Transition Update #2

Steve Miller

Owner Emeritus
Staff member
Jun 14, 2004
Moore, OK
We have everything installed on the new server and are now customizing and getting addons to where they talk to each other properly. For those curious, the forum platform we went with is Xenforo. This is an extremely flexible and stable system that gives us the ability to modify as needed to exploit new technologies as they emerge.
We are updating the FAQ, terms, rules, etc. in the background as well. I think you will be pleased with the changes. Our goal is to provide a more concise set of information that does not require extensive interpretation.
This is a huge undertaking and I want to continue to recognize the staff here at ST. What a diverse group of individuals with outstanding backgrounds for pulling something like this off! Also, a huge thank you to Dan Robinson for his ongoing help with design and coming up with several killer features on the new site.

That's all the business for now... Let's have fun!
So in the process of this transition, a new logo was near the top of the list of things to do. I took the old school ST logo to a design contest website I commonly use for my projects. The thing about online graphic designers is they often do not quite understand the project, other times there is a language barrier. Here's the original image guide I provided them along with basic instructions to modernize it:

We had over 100 submissions to the contest and these were among the ones we *didn't* pick - for obvious reasons:

Nothing says come to our site and talk about storm chasing more than a dude on a horse roping what appears to be a newspaper clipping...


I guess this one might appeal to the climate change people?


It's a bird - It's a plane!


I don't have anything to say about this one...

Anyway, I want to thank everyone who has reached out to me offering suggestions for forum features so far and I continue to invite anyone to message me with ideas, questions or concerns. Remember, this is your website!

I'll update again soon.


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