Transition Update #1

Steve Miller

Owner Emeritus
Staff member
Jun 14, 2004
Moore, OK
I wanted to take some time this evening to bring members up to date on the transition progress. First, I want to thank each of you who have been active recently. This is a huge incentive boost for those pounding keys in the background.

Accomplishments thus far:
Tim and I agreed last week upon a transition plan that is beneficial to us both for the short term. ST still resides on Tim's original server although a new server has been acquired with absolutely ridiculous stats, redundancy, etc. This monster has been set up as a staging server on which we are actively building the next Stormtrack. I aborted mission on service from the cloud. It's simply not necessary at this time.

ST staff remains largely the same with Tim Vasquez, Jeff Snyder, Skip Talbot, Patrick Marsh, Mark Blue, and Jesse Risley (in no particular order) returning from the old guard. I have invited Scott Bennett to join us as well and he accepted. Brandon Sullivan and Scott Weberpal have resigned their positions in order to free up some time.
I cannot say enough wonderful things about this volunteer crew. They have been awfully busy during their time away from their respective jobs. They are committed to building a premier platform for the community. A sample of what everyone is up to:

  • Patrick has fixed the email notification issue that had been plaguing the board for quite a while. This fix enables all notification services, including password recovery to again function properly.
  • Jesse is in the process of retooling some of the standard text around the place. The idea will be to convey anything from forum descriptions to terms and conditions in fewer, more precise words.
  • Skip is tackling several different items, one of which is the design for the outward-facing landing page for the new website. We'll change it up a bit and are positive you'll like it. But I can't tell you anything else!
  • Mark is taking on a lot of the backend customization of the new content management system as well as working on the server-side details. This in addition to keeping me in line with his project management style.
  • Scott B. will help with the particulars of the actual launch of our new website. He'll also help with customization of some modules within the new CMS. I cannot give a solid launch date yet because the guys listed above will kill me; but lets go with "a few weeks" and then see where we land.
Needless to say, we hit the ground running and are all very excited to introduce you to the new Stormtrack. In the meantime, please keep posting and keep spreading the word about ST! Oh, and make sure you have your profile updated and your username and password memorized or stored. You'll need these!

I'll update again soon.
Thank you for your very inspiring work, guys! I haven't been very active because I realised that, while I do chase, many of my posts in the forum were about more general weather-related topics because I'm just not up to par experience-wise since I'm in a very meager chasing area (Scandinavia), and thus I removed myself from conversations to combat clutter. I do feel very much part of this site since I do chase and for me, discussions with stormchasers are better than discussions with people interested in general weather since chasers have "hands-on" experience with the subjects, if I can formulate it like that.

I'll do my part. Thanks again, team!
Simon, I think most here will agree that your weather experiences would be quite interesting reads. I encourage your contribution as we move forward!
Sounds great. I've been plugging this place on both Twitter and my broadcast. I will continue to do so, and suggest to other members to utilize social media in bringing attention to ST.
First, I want to thank each of you who have been active recently. This is a huge incentive boost for those pounding keys in the background.

Same goes for the flip side of the coin, great incentive for contributors to continue contributing and returning to the site when we see an active administration team who's keeping everyone updated on the transition and working to improve the site! I think only good things will come out of the group of people you've listed...well except that Scott Bennett, guy, I dunno about him.