The storm of the day was Mullica Hill NJ. Saul posted some great video above, but I recommend doing further internet searches for this remarkable tornado. If you didn't know it was a NJ tornado, you would bet any amount of money you were looking at an Oklahoma tornado.
This video is from (or, I should say, *IN*) one of the other tornados this day, in Maple Glen, PA. Be sure to watch to the very end (it's only a little over a minute long):
For this video, you need a Facebook account (the link should take you right to the video if you have an account and are signed-in). It is of the Mullica Hill tornado. The video shows the tornado approaching, but this part is not particularly impressive. What is dramatic, eerie, and Twilight Zone -like is the end, when the man emerges from his basement to see the aftermath of the tornado as it grows to a wedge in the distance. Hope you'll be able to access because it's really quite haunting.
Long video but shows the Mullica Hill tornado direct hit on our home. Incredible damage. Our neighborhood has been devastated but everyone is safe!
For anyone interested in this event, I also recommend the related thread on the Philadelphia Weather Forum at This thread has 20-something pages because it starts from the morning with people posting observations, forecasts/nowcasts, etc. It's a forum that simply has a different style and cadence than Stormtrack. Anyway, the later pages have stuff from the evening as it unfolded, and the aftermath, including some damage photos. The link here I think goes to p. 20 but you should be able to go to earlier or later pages from there as you like.