Tornado - Foe and Friend!

One step ahead of me...I was about to post the same thing.

I would have preferred him getting those video tapes impaling him against his living room wall.
Trouble is he has now got somewhere to live at the taxpayers expense :cry:
Originally posted by Caleb Lawrence
Probably not for long. People like that don't make it long in prison.

Believe it or not, some criminals don't like people that prey on kids. He's going to know how those kids felt.
The only friend he's going to have in the joint is either the chaplain or the shrink, and they take on that role only because it's part of their job.
Believe it or not, some criminals don't like people that prey on kids. He's going to know how those kids felt.

My roommate worked at a jail years and years ago.

They can be pretty heartless when it comes to criminals like that.

And I say that as a GOOD thing, the sorry B@&t!rd!
I have a friend that was in the damage path of the May 3, 99 tornado. His family found a shoebox full of poloroids of a nude woman in the debris. We had commented how she had probably told him "But what if anyone else ever sees them?" and he replies "Nobody will see them, I'll put them up here in the closet..."