Jeremy, on a serious note...you should be fine if you keep that attitude. Thinking outside the box is a wonderful thing.
And again, before I take any more heat from newbe's who do not have a clue...please note: As I have said, the business is there....you just have to go get it.
Good luck!
Lanny.... I wasn't talking about you..... You are keeping it to a very real perspective. Starting a Buisness is very exspensive not to mention risky. That is why I started mine.... so I could go out chasing when I wanted

When I said what I said I felt like they were not giving Jeremy a chance. Is the chance he has going to fail.... Stats say yes..... But So were mine.
I have been out there nationally since 1999 chasing and seen yout tours get the recongition they deserve. I met you a few times.... you probably do not remember... But just wanted to say Sorry if I offended you..... I was just trying to inspire a dream..... No matter how improbable..... I just believe in Hope..... we need it these days