Three busses turned away from Astrodome

OH MY now there is yet more mistakes in the evacuation plan, turning people away from the Astrodome? This is just unbelieveable.
Lots of folks very worried about the criminal element being shipped here with those unfortunate folks. Many prisoners unaccounted for and are sure to be on the buses. Officials at the Astrodome plan to give bracelets to those who are processed to enter, so they can come and go as they please. Plans are to search them coming AND going. With the chaos in NO, wherever the refugees go has to be on guard that this does not follow. Sad but true.

I am in baton rouge and our population has become the largest in LA now and the crimnal element is something to worry about. My heart goes out so much to these poeple and I love my state and my city but everyone knows NO already had a HUGE crime problem and this is now cropping up here. Wal-marts ect are being told to close early and people are talking of things they have seen and the mayor and police insists nothing is happing...yeah right. My husband has mentioned moving b/c as businesses ect are relocating people are ecpected to remain here and settle. We were thinking of seeling our house and moving before and now we just might. COnsidering if we can find housing where we want to live now. Houses are already being snapped up (apperntly are snapping them up for thier employees) and I see it coming where they will be inflated beyond thier value here. If I do sell I WILL sell it for what I intended to sell it at before all this happened. Wish I could say the same for everyone.
Yeah I worry about the criminal element being transplanted into Baton Rouge. I grew up in that city and i still call it home. My parents live in Denham Springs and crime has always been low around there. I just hope BR doesnt turn into teh cesspool of crime that New orleans was.
OH MY now there is yet more mistakes in the evacuation plan, turning people away from the Astrodome? This is just unbelieveable.
What mistake? The only mistake was for those people to ASSume that the Astrodome was where they should go. That's what happens when you go off and do your own thing without coordination. And so what? They're being directed to another suitable destination. What does it matter whether it is the Astrodome or not?
OH MY now there is yet more mistakes in the evacuation plan, turning people away from the Astrodome? This is just unbelieveable.
What mistake? The only mistake was for those people to ASSume that the Astrodome was where they should go. That's what happens when you go off and do your own thing without coordination. And so what? They're being directed to another suitable destination. What does it matter whether it is the Astrodome or not?

Are you saying that the bus drivers just drove the people there just for the hell of it? Someone higher up directed them there. This is mismangement at its finest. Clearly mistakes have been made by the reponse team.
Are you saying that the bus drivers just drove the people there just for the hell of it?
That's exactly what I am saying. They went on rumour. They went there KNOWING that the place was being held for the people being evacuated from the Superdome. That's why they all got off the bus telling lies about having come from the Superdome.

Again, what does it matter? They're not being denied refuge. They're simply being sent to another location.