Jason Boggs
Watching @Shane Adams show, the Dead Chasers Society about secondary target areas gave me some curiosity on what others may think about this. Personally, I choose secondary targets a lot more than I used to. Of course on a marginal day, or even a high end slight or moderate, I tend to sometimes get into the thick of things in the risk area. But, on higher end moderate days or high risk days where the world is about to end, I usually try to choose targets away from the main show. You may ask....why would you do this? Here is the reasoning behind it.
Why I choose a secondary target on BIG days...
Why I choose a secondary target on BIG days...
- Not always, but generally there is less traffic to deal with. Heavy traffic on a big day could spell disaster if caught in it while trying to make a hasty retreat on that escape route. I'm not trying to get myself away from traffic entirely, but I'm just getting away from the zoo that can sometimes be seen on big days.
- A secondary target often has more isolated convection, especially down the dryline in a more capped environment.
- Of course with more isolated storms, the chance at a photogenic storm/tornado is pretty good.
- Being away from larger traffic areas and potentially more convection takes away added stress, at least for me anyway.
- I like the added enjoyment at finding a secondary target and being successful. For me, it's not just about the storms...half of the enjoyment is the forecast to lead me to the prize. If I can find a good storm/tornado that every Bob, Sue, Tom and Harry didn't see, it makes it that much better.
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