The be...or not to be?

Jul 17, 2004
Piedmont, OK
Watching Mike Morgans forecast on KFOR last night included a slight chance of storms on Saturday...I thought, no way, the models the day before did'nt suggest it...and this is what I get for not analyzing the data before posting last evening on the certainty of the picnic that is scheduled for this Saturday at 1pm.

Looking at the ETA a little closer, there is indeed a risk of severe weather in areas as close as ICT and on up toward TOP by 0Z Sunday (7pm Sat)
In all honesty, I'm not enthused as my wife just bought bunches of stuff yesterday. It does look like a potential chase day and I'm sure the tour groups will be out, I don't see tornado outbreak written all over it, but a few supercells, large hail...and yes, a tornado MAY be possible.. but what about you?? I'm tempted to just have this anyway and whoever shows...great. If not, I understand.

Still, if you can rsvp me by late afternoon tomorrow that would be most appreciated...I'm patiently waiting on Linda Wade to call me about the far, no answer from her.

More to follow.
an anxious Rocky&family
I'm all about the picnic Saturday, unless the set-up is super-impressive. My problem is, I've got friends coming in from Ohio tomorrow on a ONE WEEK chase even if Sat is an obvious longshot, most-likely-a-bust set-up, I'll have to go anyway because my friends only have a week. I'm really getting tired of these quasi-chase days setting up on the picnic day, taking 70% of the would-be attendies away from the picnic and out to chase a crap set up because it's there.

I'll start analyzing data tomorrow night and see if it looks like I'm gonna have to miss the picnic to chase a longshot set-up. If I'm not convinced tornadoes are a possibility, I'll most-likely try and talk my friends into going to the picnic...but if they want to chase, I'll chase.

It'd be nice to finally either have a DEATH RIDGE in place for the picnic date or a MAY 29 type set-up. These iffy days only rob the picnic of people and deliver nothing to those who chased simply because it was there.
I'm in Wichita, KS and checking data. I am looking forward to the picnic but I can't miss a chance for a decent chase. I'll decide by the afternoon.

Bill Hark