The meteorology of tornado forecasting

Unfortunately I don't have a better copy of the class #4 stream. I've got the power point online, but we ran into some serious technical issues which prompted me to rally for and buy a camera for this (and plenty of other things we are doing in the SoM). The remaining classes should be pretty high quality audio and video wise - fingers crossed.

BTW the link is for the power points
I'm super-glad you're archiving this stuff. I've had to miss a couple classes, including the last one, so it's great that I can view them when I have the time. I will probably finally get to this last Tuesday's class tonight.
Got to watch Tuesday's class last night finally. It, like the rest, was very infomative, Rich. Thanks again for doing this. Ben, thank you too for getting on line so we "out-of-towners" can partake..
Rich that would probably work. I know you probably feel like a broken record between ChaserCon, the grad class, these classes and any other talks you've done.
I don't know if we'll get a chance to do it anytime soon, but I would be willing to redo session #4 at some point in the future, now that we have the audio concerns ironed out.

I know it takes a lot of your time and effort, so thanks for even considering re-doing #4... that session had topics I was especially interested in, so I'd be especially grateful. Thanks again Rich for doing these classes. I knew a lot went into making a forecast, but I honestly didn't realize the amount of details/factors you guys have to consider when putting one together for an entire risk area. This has been most enlightening in that regard as well.

Down to just 2 more classes left! I've posted the power point for week 7. Looks like weather won't interrupt #8, and will probably leave #9 alone as well at this point.
Number 8 was last night and went well. Powerpoint is posted and the video can be found on the web site.

At the end, Rich touched on it - We will be delaying perhaps another week for number 9 and will announce the date as we get closer. It may be on either Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday that week. We will definitely give a heads up in this thread before it happens. It's a forecasting exercise, so we need actual weather to forecast.
Good thing I read this first. I was going to put in for Tuesday off to make the class. If it's going to be Monday, I'll need to have my time off request in by Friday.
We plan to present a real-time forecasting exercise tomorrow (Tuesday 4/21) evening from 5:30-7:00 pm, though I'll try to finish closer to 6:30-6:45 pm. Note the earlier time, and we're moving this one session to room 5600.
We're still planning to do another forecasting session the last week of April, assuming the weather cooperates.