I have a few things to ask about April 7, 2006. The day SPC issued a high risk for severe weather the day before the event. Now this event by no means was a bust but seemed to underperform somewhat compared to what was anticipated. dont get me wrong it was a pretty large tornado outbreak and unfortunately quite a few people lost their lives. I believe this tornado outbreak produced around 60-70 tornadoes and several of them were F2's and a couple of them were F3's. There was an unprecedented 60% hatched area for strong tornadoes and some of the other hatched areas were also rather large. It made me think there would be at least 100+ tornadoes with multiple F3 and F4 tornadoes and maybe even a couple F5's. It seems like it would have been somewhat similar to the Superoutbreak of 1974. Now there may have been some factors that were somewhat limited for an outbreak of that magnitude and some of the tornadoes may have been stronger but did not hit much, or the homes that were hit were poorly attatched. Does anybody have any answers for what prevented this from being an extremely large tornado outbreak with multiple strong/violent tornadoes.