TESSA's National Storm Conference on March 14

I personally want to thank Martin Lisius and everyone else responsible for making this the best TESSA conference I've been to yet. Lots of work goes into making this the success that its been for many years now. All of the speakers were top rate, as for me, Chris Novy's spotter safety talk is top notch, Tim Marshall's Hurricane Ike talk was one that I'll never forget.. Dr. Chuck Doswell gave as usual an awesome talk on the current state of affairs of forecasting and what implications may lie ahead.. and of course, he threw a couple of rocks into the beehive.. hopefully to get people to think a little.

What truly was a the pinnacle of the day was seeing Al Moller and having dinner with him and several other folks including Tim Marshall and his wife Kate, Chuck Doswell and his wife Vicki, Martin Lisius, Matt and Gloria Starkey who put Dee and I up at their place, Mark McGowen and a few others. It was truly a night to remember hanging out with some of my finest hero's!

God Bless!
I only was able to stay through the morning session. I really wish I could have been there for the afternoon speakers also. This was my first TESSA conference (at least half of it anyway) and it was impressive.
Lots of good and in-depth info from Gary W. When Chris gave his presentation I was amazed at how much information he packed into an hour.
Will I be back next year? Certainly! If anyone hasn't gone to one of these yet I'll say your missing out on some great stuff. Quite memorable.
This was, at least, my 4th TESSA conference and one of the best. This was only the second one where I was able to get there early enough to see Gary Woodall's Super Storm Spotter Training. I had forgotten just how good Gary is at what he does. SFOFWD is very fortunate to have him. Chris Novy had the room in stitches! From an entertainment standpoint it was easily the presentation of the day. Hilarious, yet very informative and compelling. Cant wait to see Chris again!
From a meteorological standpoint, Les Lemon's lecture on Greensburg had me floored. When the father of NEXRAD shows you NEXRAD data that he finds extraordinary...well, what can you say? I was riveted. I always find TESSA worth the drive. It really gets my juices flowing for the spring storm season.