TESSA's National Storm Conference on March 14

Apr 6, 2006
Westlake Village, CA
Happy 2009 to my fellow Stormtrackers!

The Texas Severe Storms Association (TESSA) is hosting another National Storm Conference in just two short months --- on March 14, at the Colleyville Center in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. The line-up of speakers is quite impressive, and admission is free! Gas is cheap, the football season is over, and what better way to learn about severe wx than from the best ---- you have little reason not to attend!

Pasted below is the agenda-----thanks.

Bill Reid
TESSA Trustee



The 2009 National Storm Conference

Hosted by the Texas Severe Storms Association

Saturday, March 14, 2009.

9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Colleyville Center, Colleyville, Texas

This year’s presenters include:

Gary Woodall, Annual Super Storm Spotter Training Session

"Severe Storm Structure and Behavior - The Spotter's Perspective."

Chris Novy, “Operating Safely in Severe Weather.â€￾

Jonathan Finch
, “Meteorological Studies of the Lefors (March 27, 1975) and Red River (April 10, 1979) Tornado Eventsâ€￾

Tim Marshall, “Yikes, It’s Hurricane Ike.â€￾

Chuck Doswell, "What Have We Learned Since 09 April 1979?"

Les Lemon, "Application and Convective Storm Interrogation Using GR2Analyst: Greensburg and Other Cases.â€￾

The conference is free and open to the pubic. Registration is not required. Arrive early, seating is limited.

Complete conference details, including directions, lodging and sponsorship opportunities, can be found at www.tessa.org

TESSA is a 501©3 national non-profit organization dedicated to severe weather education. The National Storm Conference is hosted by TESSA and is co-sponsored by the North Texas Chapters of the American Meteorological Society, National Weather Association and by the National Weather Service in Ft. Worth.
Barring a chase, I will be there helping my good friend Mick Ptak sell SO2008 DVDs.
Al Moller Scholarship at TESSA meeting

Hi---this is just a quick reminder to all that TESSA's (Texas Severe Storm Association) meeting is coming up fast, on March 14th. Please see my original post above for details. Remember, it is free to attend!


We at TESSA are pleased to announce the creation of the TESSA Alan R. Moller Severe Weather Education and Research College Scholarship in the amount of $500.

The scholarship will be awarded to the college that sends the most students, staff and/or faculty to the 2009 National Storm Conference on March 14 in Colleyville, Texas, with a minimum of 20 attendees.

The winning college will receive and present the $500 award to one student who: (1) Possesses a GPA minimum of 3.0, and (2) Most exhibits a passion for and commitment to severe weather education and/or research.

Typical recipients of the award include but are not limited to students of meteorology, engineering and broadcasting.

The college will submit the name, photo and brief bio of the winning student within 60 days of the conference for publication on the TESSA web site.

Please contact TESSA chairman Martin Lisius at [email protected] if you would like to take part in this exciting opportunity. Note: Group count will include only persons that arrive together at the conference site no later than 9:00 am Central Time on March 14 with valid university student, staff and/or faculty ID.

Groups are encouraged to wear their school colors and bring a banner or flag. Invitations have been sent to Texas Tech University, the University of Oklahoma, Texas A&M University, the University of Texas at Austin and others.

Contact your alma mater and organize a winning group!

The 2009 National Storm Conference is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. Complete conference details at www.tessa.org

William T. Reid
HOPING to attend. Have the time off (not working), just need transportation to and from, for me and twin sis.
Hi Stormtrackers,

One more reminder that TESSA's annual conference is fast approaching. The agenda for the National Storm Conference on Saturday, March 14th, can be viewed at


Presenters include Gary Woodall, Chris Novy, Tim Marshall, Jonathan Finch, Chuck Doswell and Les Lemon! See the agenda link above for some details on their talks. The conference is free of charge ---- what a deal!

Don’t forget about the $500 Alan Moller College Scholarship that will be presented to the school that sends the most students, faculty and/or staff to the conference (minimum of 20 with valid ID’s). Details at


And, Hyatt Place in Hurst, Texas is offering a very competitive $79 conference rate (must book by March 8). Details at


General conference details at


William Reid
TESSA trustee
as usual chisel my name in stone for this one, ill be there with my NWS polo lookin spiffy as usual

then I leave Sunday for funeral.YAYYYYY:D


EDIT: it being spring break here at OU, I doubt ur going to have swarm of OU metr students come down, scholarship or not but hopefully my attendance is meaningful, however, im sure A&M will come in the bus loads as they always do.
Notes on TESSA meeting by TESSA President Martin Lisius

National Storm Conference this Saturday: A Few Reminders

Just a reminder for folks arriving out of town for the NSC this Saturday, you should consider arriving early to get a seat. The show starts at 9:00 am and doors will be open by 7:30. As always, there will be free hot coffee to wake up with.

Also, don’t forget there is a $500 scholarship for the college sending the most students, faculty and/or staff (minimum of 20 with university ID).

There will be a one of a kind conference T-shirt that pays tribute to Alan Moller, featuring a sketch by Dave Hoadley on the back.

The morning will begin with the Super Storm Spotter training. The day’s topics are basically storm spotting, then a tribute to the 30th anniversary of the 1979 Red River outbreak, and ending with storm chasing.

As has been the case since 1994, this event is free and open to the public. No registration is required but shirt and shoes are.

The agenda and everything you ought to know can be found at www.tessa.org

See you there!

I'm just curious, since this is my first year to attend, what is a good time to get there to make sure you can get in? I'm not coming up the night before, but I want to make sure I get there in time to get a seat.
Dee and myself will be there as will Matt Starkey and maybe his wife Gloria. Hopefully, we'll get there early enough to get a good seat. Just as long as my wife Dee gets a seat as she can't stand for long periods of time. It will be great seeing many of you there as I haven't been to a TESSA conference in the past few years. Hopefully the rain will settle down some by then even though the DFW area can use every drop. Drive safe!

Martin Lisius asked me to post this on Stormtrack. Thanks to all who contributed and attended this year!


2009 TESSA National Storm Conference Wrap-Up

Yesterday, we had over 400 folks enjoy a day of excellent presentations at the
2009 TESSA NSC. Thanks to Gary Woodall, Chris Novy, Tim Marshall, Jonathan
Finch, Chuck Doswell and Les Lemon for their contribution to the event. I'd
like to make special mention of Chris' presentation on spotter safety which many
said was the standout of the conference. Thanks, Chris! Other highlights
include Tim's clown costume and his tongue in cheek look at Hurricane Ike which
was both informative and editorial. Gary offered many tools for spotters in his
presentation including a chart using temp/dewpoint spreads to deterrmine cloud
base heights (most significant tornadoes occur in storms with bases of less than
4000 feet). And, congrats to the University of Oklahoma and Texas A&M who teamed
up to win the first Alan Moller Severe Weather Research and Education
Scholarship! In short, the conference was packed with information and lots of
laughs. It was a blast! Many good things came out of this year's event
including some unique ideas (already) for 2010. Thanks to all that attended!

Martin Lisius

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