Shane Adams
Ehhh, not really. Skywarn nets should not RELAY non-severe reports to the NWS unless asked, but there's no harm in knowing 3/4" hail is with the cell if there's a SVR out and nobody is getting anything.
I figured you might correct me on this....but yeah, the RELAY thing is what I'm talking about I guess.......basically I don't wanna hear "we got heavy rain here" in the midst of tornado and severe hail/wind reports.
NWS offices specifically ask for that. I think it's a remnant of the 70'/80's when wall clouds were the "precursor" for all tornadoes, and it just never got deleted from literature. But you'll find many a NWS presentation still asking for wall clouds - rotating or not.
Understood. Bet it gets really busy during the Summer months when everything produces non-rotating (non-severe) wallclouds.