I remember watching Bill Doms chase with his son on the show with Melanie and Peggy. Maybe he can chime in on his thoughts/feelings about chasing with your children. I personally feel that they would be safer with me.
FWIW, the positive to negative feedback was at least 20:1. However, the few problems we had with Cullen being involved in the show we doozies. One was an independent child protection activist from Miami, FL who of course was screaming endangerment. Nothing ended up in court but she was a pain in the rear for a couple of months. We finally squashed her claims statistically basically with what Dan stated:
In a court of law I'm sure they'd have a problem proving, with evidence, that chasing was dangerous to a kid compared to taking them camping or letting him/her ride their bike down the neighborhood street.
The weirdest and worst one had nothing to do with endangerment from chasing. Cullen's promo photos on the show's website got hot linked to a fourm on an FBI pedophile watch list. I need to publically thank Eric Whitehill and his FBI pals for taking care of that one and Jim Saueressig for the moral support LOL.
Cullen's mom (my ex-wife), and the rest of our families have always supported EITHER of the kids going with me. The ex-factor could obviously very subjective in some case but not at all in ours. Bottom line is if you think your ex would cause problems from taking the kids chasing, don't do it. I wouldn't want to be the precedent.
So, when it comes down to the basic question of taking the kids with and at what age, it all comes down to a personal choice and when the kid is ready to hit the road. Cullen was an exception as he grew up in a car seat with chasing being as "normal" in our family as spending a day on the water in boat is to another.
One final thought on the subject. Not directed at any one person but to anyone who thinks of kids as being a pain while chasing. Parenting means wearing a lot of different hats for a lot of different roles. If you even remotely think having your child with (or even having a child) is going to be an inconvience to you, don't bring them with. You won't enjoy the chase yourself and kids are masters at picking up on vibes. Being an educator is by far the most important role as a parent and if you are willing to turn a chase into a lesson on geography, history, economics, etc as well as atmospheric science, have at it. Just don't forget handi-wipes, some extra munchies and to make the day FUN!