Taking your kids chasing

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jeremy wilson

I've seen this topic touched briefly in other threads but I wanted to get everyones thoughts on taking your kids chasing. I've taken my five year old girl chasing many times and she's already getting addicted. I've also caught hell from my relatives and friends for doing this.

My style of chasing changes greatly when I take Hannah though. There's no getting under wall clouds, punching monster hail cores or seeing how close I can get to the tornado without dying. It's all laid back from a distance type chasing.

So do you take your kiddos out sometimes, or are you against it?
Mine have been told not until they were at least 13. I spoke with a Texas Child Protection case worker that I know one time about how they would view it. I was told they absolutely would consider it putting the child in danger and would take action, so that was enough to make my decision on.
My 9 year old is my primary chase partner. This was his second year of chasing and he loves it. He enjoys his job of running the laptop and software as well as being the "camera guy" while we are driving. I enjoy that it's something my son and I can do while spending time together, especially the long trips to and from the chase area.

And anyone in child protective services who says that's endangering a child should probably consider a career change. Thank god the State of Kansas had the wisdom to take that power away from SRS.
Mine have been told not until they were at least 13. I spoke with a Texas Child Protection case worker that I know one time about how they would view it. I was told they absolutely would consider it putting the child in danger and would take action, so that was enough to make my decision on.

That is my exact fear (although I don't have kids myself). Regardless of what I think, the state and other authorities may take a very drastic view of the situation....and I live in a very liberal state that loves to get involved with private lives. So for me...not until it's not an issue, or I can afford a really good lawyer, or change the policy before taking children.
I enjoy children and hope to have some of my own one day. And I would certainly take them chasing if I thought they would enjoy it, as I would take them hunting and fishing and hiking, etc.... It is an extreme shame that we have allowed a "service" to become so powerful that we "fear" it. I love taking advice from family and friends and value what they say even when I disagree. But no agency has the right to tell someone what they can and can not do with their own child, unless that child is in undeniable and certain danger of severe injury or death. Any parent that would take their children chasing and spend that time with them are better parents than these high class, too busy "try to make time for my kids" types. Take your kids chasing! I see kids that are half dead in Walmart every time I go....pale face, bulgy eyes, sickly looking, probably spend 8 hours a day in front of a screen... and there parents grocery cart is filled with donuts, twinkies and mountain dew... point Child Protective Services in their direction...even though I still maintain parental rights are supreme even for these parents, though I do feel for the kids.
That is my exact fear (although I don't have kids myself). Regardless of what I think, the state and other authorities may take a very drastic view of the situation....and I live in a very liberal state that loves to get involved with private lives. So for me...not until it's not an issue, or I can afford a really good lawyer, or change the policy before taking children.

Yeah that's the thing. Regardless of the reality we all know that storm chasing generally isn't all that dangerous, many people in the public believe it is, and those people include caseworkers. I'm sure all of you have heard some of the news stories of how the State of Texas steps in places they shouldn't. They are very good at that.
I tend to believe that having your child in a home without a NOAA weather radio (especially in the Great Plains, Midwest, or Southeast) places the child in more danger than riding in a vehicle with someone who understands storm structure and is responsible enough to stay out of harm's way. But unfortunately we live in a society where emotion rules and logical thought is dying.
Mine have been told not until they were at least 13. I spoke with a Texas Child Protection case worker that I know one time about how they would view it. I was told they absolutely would consider it putting the child in danger and would take action, so that was enough to make my decision on.

David makes a great point! Especially if you are divorced. Talk about ammunition for an angry ex-wife.

I will admit that I have taken my son on one small chase, but it wasn't a tornado day; just chasing and mcs and it was local.
David makes a great point! Especially if you are divorced. Talk about ammunition for an angry ex-wife.

I will admit that I have taken my son on one small chase, but it wasn't a tornado day; just chasing and mcs and it was local.

I retracted some statements that I made earlier because you never know who reads this board, but I took my son on 5/19 on what was an unexpected tornadic supercell event in our county. He viewed a beautiful meso/funnel and structure. He enjoys it thoroughly. I remember watching Bill Doms chase with his son on the show with Melanie and Peggy. Maybe he can chime in on his thoughts/feelings about chasing with your children. I personally feel that they would be safer with me.
In a court of law I'm sure they'd have a problem proving, with evidence, that chasing was dangerous to a kid compared to taking them camping or letting him/her ride their bike down the neighborhood street. Not that I'd want to be the one to have the hassle of going to court, but still. If I ever have kids I think I'd treat chasing as a family activity like anything else families do to have fun.
I'm not a parent, but may be one in the next couple of years. Apart from the safety issues, I would be reluctant to bring kids storm chasing because I know how kids are on long road trips. They have short attention spans, and are going to have to make frequent or urgent bathroom stops. Aren't they just too much trouble to bring along?
I'm not a parent, but may be one in the next couple of years. Apart from the safety issues, I would be reluctant to bring kids storm chasing because I know how kids are on long road trips. They have short attention spans, and are going to have to make frequent or urgent bathroom stops. Aren't they just too much trouble to bring along?

You make a very valid point.
I joke to my wife all the time about taking may kids storm chasing. In reality, they'd likely be a hindrance, since they're at the frequent potty stop age. However, if a tornadic storm was bearing down on my community, I think I'd feel safer having the kids with me in the car vs. being at school or day care. Now, I know that day care providers and teachers are trained for tornado drills, but I still envision them trying to herd a bunch of scared children (probably scared teachers too) into the proper shelter locations. Plus, even a well built building is no guarantee against a strong tornado. I'd rather have them in the car with me, where I have a very good chance to evade the worst of the storm and possibly even watch from a safe distance. Now, of course in the evening and overnight I leave them at home with my wife, where I believe the safety of my basement to be the better option for them.
How old are we talking about? For those who don't know, I am 17 now, and I started chasing at 16. I chase with my dad, but it's not like he just brings me along. I did the learning, I have the passion for it, and while he enjoys it and has learned a lot from doing it, he is mainly "just the driver." Last year, my mom was talking to my seventh grade Spanish teacher (not really sure why...) and storm chasing came up. He of course started going on about how dangerous it was, and how no "child" my age should be put in that kind of situation, especially when he is the one in charge. My mom decided to end the conversation then instead of trying to explain, but it made me realize that there are people out there who just refuse to understand certain things.

When and if I have kids, I am sure they will be chasing with me, although they will get started at a much younger age than I did. I may be older than this thread was really meant for, but I can say that storm chasing has been by far the most important experience of my childhood, and I would never deny another kid that.
I started chasing at age 11.... I dunno if that is classified as a child or pre-teen or what, but I can tell you I had one hell of a time my first couple chases. You really dunno what to expect until you do it. You can only see so much on TV or video. I would have no problem with anyone taking their kids responsibly on a chase. I mean I don't think I would condone your kid riding in the TIV but I think all of us have different methods of chasing when carrying either a child/wife/friend/etc aboard. As for DCFS.... Prove it...