I'm sorry it has taken me so long to chime into this thread. I've been stranded in Woodward since this weekend dealing with brake issues and thus was not aware of this thread. The footage I put on YouTube was hastily thrown together for TWC. I just simply threw my lower third on it and then quickly dumped it to YouTube.
Here is the rundown of how things happened...
I typically try to report on SN or via a phone BEFORE I worry about filming since my primary goal when chasing is to warn the public of what is headed their way. 90% of the time I have someone ride with me to man SN for me so I can film but this week I had been alone.
In the following image you will see a screen grab from my raw video:
The largest stone in this image is 5 3/4" wide after it had been melting for a bit. All the measurements I gave that day were measured from the stones WIDEST part I could find on them. A lot of the stones were shaped somewhat like a narrow oval.
I am not trying to cover my rear here or try to prove my self. I just did not want to appear like I was trying to hide from the questions of the legitimacy of my reports. Those who know me on this site will know I am not one to lie and what kind of person I am. I know many of you don't know me and you are all entitled to think what you want and speak what you will. I know what I saw that day and don't care if you door don't believe me. I'm not here to argue the size. I was just trying to help add missing pieces of info to the story.
Here is the rundown of how things happened...
- The hail hit my hood and then came threw my windshield.
- I dawned my helmet and goggles and ducked down for protection.
- The hail stopped falling and I picked the glass from my arm and hand.
- I jumped out of the car and began to measure and report the hail sizes on SN and over 146.55.
- I hear reports of a tornado over the radio and for 8min I stop measuring and try to film it.
- It then dawns on me that I need footage of the hail stones and I start to film them after they had been melting.
- I then had a sheriff pull up and he helped me tape my window up then let me follow him back to the storm.
I typically try to report on SN or via a phone BEFORE I worry about filming since my primary goal when chasing is to warn the public of what is headed their way. 90% of the time I have someone ride with me to man SN for me so I can film but this week I had been alone.
In the following image you will see a screen grab from my raw video:

The largest stone in this image is 5 3/4" wide after it had been melting for a bit. All the measurements I gave that day were measured from the stones WIDEST part I could find on them. A lot of the stones were shaped somewhat like a narrow oval.
I am not trying to cover my rear here or try to prove my self. I just did not want to appear like I was trying to hide from the questions of the legitimacy of my reports. Those who know me on this site will know I am not one to lie and what kind of person I am. I know many of you don't know me and you are all entitled to think what you want and speak what you will. I know what I saw that day and don't care if you door don't believe me. I'm not here to argue the size. I was just trying to help add missing pieces of info to the story.
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