Strong tornado in Italy

Jun 26, 2004
Italy/Tornado Alley
Hi all
I'm gonna show you a video taken near Catania (Sicily-Italy) yesterday. These guys didn't figure out the tornado was getting so close very fast. The last seconds of the video are really impressive.

Witnesses of this tornado tell that big stainless steel blocks were rotating all around it and one of those hit an italian marine causing his death :(
Nice video, thanks for posting. I love the flying debris. If the tornado is getting bigger and not moving to side, it is probably coming toward the viewer! Was this part of an outbreak or an isolated sighting.

Bill Hark
Nice video, thanks for posting. I love the flying debris. If the tornado is getting bigger and not moving to side, it is probably coming toward the viewer! Was this part of an outbreak or an isolated sighting.

Bill Hark

Yesterday I was taking a look at the weather maps and this is a typical italian synoptical configuration that causes more than a tornado and overall nice waterspouts, in the month of December (I made an interesting case study about this pattern with Jon Davies wich I presented at an Italian severe weather conference 2 years ago).
So far we have only this report, but I wouldn't be surprised to see other nice stuff.
When I heard about the tornado reports in Italy, and Turkey I wondered if you were going to share some video from the event. In the video it is hard to really judge how fast the tornado is moving. When you line up the tornado with the parking lot pole light it appears to be stationary, although it is rapidly moving towards the guys filming it. Looked like a fairly strong tornado, maybe an EF2+. Great video! Thanks Andrea. . .
Two things:

1) I am amazed at the quality of video that cell phones can produce (I can tell the video is from a cell phone by the "wobbliness" of the image when the camera moves near the beginning). Before too long cell phone videos will probably be of higher quality than my video camera, which I just got last year!

2) How stupid could those guys have been? Bill summed the information up nicely: if it's not moving side to side, it's moving at you. MOVE! You're also asking to die by leaving the door open of the structure you're in and standing by it as the tornado moves in. They're lucky they didn't all die.
When I heard about the tornado reports in Italy, and Turkey I wondered if you were going to share some video from the event. In the video it is hard to really judge how fast the tornado is moving. When you line up the tornado with the parking lot pole light it appears to be stationary, although it is rapidly moving towards the guys filming it. Looked like a fairly strong tornado, maybe an EF2+. Great video! Thanks Andrea. . .

Thanks,Matt! It's what I thought..I saw the Tv News and they showed a part of the damage for few seconds amd it could seem something like EF2 damage.

Two things:

1) I am amazed at the quality of video that cell phones can produce (I can tell the video is from a cell phone by the "wobbliness" of the image when the camera moves near the beginning). Before too long cell phone videos will probably be of higher quality than my video camera, which I just got last year!

2) How stupid could those guys have been? Bill summed the information up nicely: if it's not moving side to side, it's moving at you. MOVE! You're also asking to die by leaving the door open of the structure you're in and standing by it as the tornado moves in. They're lucky they didn't all die.

Hopefully cell phones video quality is improving really much and we often find on the tube tornadoes video that we would have never found before.