Strobes and Light bars.

Just as a point of interest. I flat out asked a TX DPS trooper tonight what his professional opinion was on chase vehicles with amber lights on them was and his exact words were "I think it's a good thing! People aren't paying enough attention around a storm and I think it adds safety." I also asked and got the answer "...the amber lights ARE legal." (in TX anyway).
Originally posted by Andrew Geil
Unless there is a reciprocity agreement on the books for it, then they are illegal. Some states have them (IE, Maryland, Deleware, and Virginia) do for volunteer firefighters. Illinois and Wisconson do not (And thus, their troopers are more then happy to exchange citations to the great north). So yes, technically, your laptops are illegal then.

Not true.

If you drive your Illinois-registered vehicle in WI with blue/white lights on it, it is not illegal -unless- you turn them on. So long as you can legally posess them in IL and have that ID with you, you can drive thru WI all day long providing they stay turned off.
Originally posted by jwest
So long as you can legally posess them in IL and have that ID with you, you can drive thru WI all day long providing they stay turned off.
You may well convince the judge of that technicality, but you will NOT convince the cop who pulled you over of it. There is courthouse law, and there is roadside law. Attempting to argue the finer points of law with any cop is a bad idea. They are not going to admit they are wrong. Your best option is to be polite, play nice, and assure him that you have no intention of using said lights and hope he is in a good mood.

An even better option is to simply not put them on your vehicle or at least mask them when in another state. Cops do not need a legitimate reason to arrest you, take you to jail, leave you there for two days, then let you out with no charges filed just because you argued with them.
OK...can we please keep on topic? The question posed was suggestions of specific types of lights, and where a good place to purchase them from is. It was NOT a question about the legal/ethical issues associated with having lights on a vehicle.
OK...can we please keep on topic? The question posed was suggestions of specific types of lights, and where a good place to purchase them from is. It was NOT a question about the legal/ethical issues associated with having lights on a vehicle.

The two questions go hand in hand though Chris. Granted anyone can order strobes or a light bar but then they need to check state law's on the issue.
Iowa just passed a law saying any vehicle approaching a displayed vehicle using red, blue, or yellow lights must
1) Slow to a speed of 35 mph or
2) Move to the furthest lane.
Also I know Minnesota has this as I would guess many other are states. I’m sure these laws didn't cover the Normal storm chaser unless doing it on offical business. just because you have them doesn't mean you can use them.

back to main question code 3 also has lights
So Bart, what have you decided on so far? If you need any help narrowing down some choices, let me know, I like lights and have done 5 different installs from full out lightbars to slicktops.
