Strike Alert II Lightning Detector

Feb 18, 2004
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Hello all,

If any are interested I have a few of the new version of the Strike Alert II Personal Lightning Detctor.

These lightning detectors can detect CG's up to 40 miles away. With the help of LED's you will be able to know if a storm is coming for you or going away. These are practical if your out on a golf course or out in the woods camping. It's easy to carry around because of it's pager like size.

67.95$US + 8$ shippping These are brand new!
To order or for questions, please contact me offlist: [email protected]

Hello Paul,

On the new version the On/Off button is better placed but the major change is that apparently it is less sensitive to interference. I cannot really compare though since I don't have an old version to compare.