Strange Weather in Norman

Aug 23, 2005
Norman Ok
I was sitting around this am watching TV down here in Norman, when a bright flash lit the sky, followed by a long, loud rumbling sound. This process has repeated several times. Is this normal? Should I call 911? I am most concerned. And now, the ground is wet...this can't be happening!

I need to go to bed.

This same strange series of processes has seemingly epeated itself in north Texas at 5:33 this morning. It's alarming for sure, but I sense there's something right about the whole thing. Going to keep watching the skies for any further sign of these bright lights and rumbling noises.

For now, I must document in my log of unusual occurances...
How much rain did the Norman-OKC area get today? I was watching a developing line of showers and storms moving toward that area late last night, but I went to bed before it got there. Hopefully you folks picked up some measurable rainfall.
Originally posted by George Tincher
How much rain did the Norman-OKC area get today? I was watching a developing line of showers and storms moving toward that area late last night, but I went to bed before it got there. Hopefully you folks picked up some measurable rainfall.

I received about 0.40" here in south Norman...looks like we're gonna have to make it last for awhile tho.

I don't know what the hell you guys did, but it worked.

We just set a record daily rainfall here (1.05" and counting as of 9pm). Plus moderate to heavy rain is still falling steadily; and it looks to do so for the last two hours of the night. I cannot remember the last time we got over one inch of rain in a day.

Usually rainy days like this are sort of depressing, but it sure wasn't today baby!! :D

Did any of you guys down there do a rain dance or something? :wink:
Originally posted by Karen Rhoden
Nope......the sticks in Norman are so dry and brittle that they are sharper than most others......

Damn. I guess it's be anyother year of watching storms "split" around me. lol :roll: :lol: