Stormtrack system resource consumption - NOTICE

Dec 4, 2003
Our metrics show that Stormtrack is using a large amount of CPU resources. Since we're on a shared server, there is a chance our webhost may move us to a slower server if I can't locate the trouble or can't find the time. This may just be related to our large size, as phpBB is a bit bloated and does not use mySQL very efficiently.

If any trouble develops we may take the board down and move to a different forum package, such as SMF.

My experience with MySQL in the design and implementation of a big open-source transportation data archiving system is that it starts to bog for read/write when a table gets bigger than 25k records or so. We've ended up working out a method whereby a table is closed and a new one opened after a standard time interval that accumulates on the order of that number of records.

This board has over 60k posts. Perhaps a similar method whereby a separate archival board or boards is carved off might speed up the current active board. FWIW.
Originally posted by Sam Sagnella
For a while this morning I couldn't access the site - was this related?

There was several times late last night (or early morning) where I couldn't access the site, neither... I am guessing it is related.
Originally posted by nickgrillo+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nickgrillo)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Sam Sagnella
For a while this morning I couldn't access the site - was this related?

There was several times late last night (or early morning) where I couldn't access the site, neither... I am guessing it is related.[/b]

I also had some problems this morning and some last night getting into the forum and the main site.
Can we move the Archive stuff (pre-August Stormtrack threads) to another forum. I mean, move that to something like ... Seeing how there are more posts in the archived subforums than in the active subforums, it seems like it might alleviate the delay and usage.