Breaking news - Stormtrack site now on a dedicated server

Dec 4, 2003
As many of you may know, our long-range plan to move to a dedicated server this winter was rushed overnight by server problems, culminating in Verio's data center shutdown Friday morning. By the time they came back up we saw that the mySQL database was corrupted... some of you saw it Friday afternoon when you were getting those "DEBUG" errors when trying to post messages.

I must have had a sixth sense about this because Thursday I had already ordered a dedicated server for Stormtrack. When the Friday mess happened, I did an emergency DNS change to route all traffic off Verio and onto our new dedicated server, which was empty while I configured it and prepared the website.

The phpBB mySQL database, which holds all of the August 10 - September 21 board material, is still corrupt. George Cosare at Verio promised to look at this yesterday but so far I haven't heard back. Our SQL backup also showed defects... this may be tied to the spotty Server Not Available errors we were seeing since August. So I've rolled back the board to our last trustworthy backup: August 9. :mad: Sorry, but that's the best I can do under the circumstances... fortunately we were able to recover the entirety of our 2004-2005 board including the Katrina messages.

The bright side of all this is that we're on our own dedicated server... rather than sharing one computer with other sites, Stormtrack has an entire Celeron machine to itself connected to a dual OC12 fiber-optic pipe. After the Dreamhost fiasco and what happened at Verio, we're in the hole with our luck, but this time I selected the same company that's hosting, where my wife moderates. Their board is bigger and busier, and they've had no problems at all. Knock on wood.



* All users who registered before August 9 can get into their account by using "forgot my password" on the login page. The password will be E-mailed to the address on file for you as of August 9. You must try this first. If it doesn't work, you can E-mail me at ... however you will have to be patient as I will have to do every request on a case-by-case basis to assure that nobody's account is compromised. In some cases you will be required to create a new account.

* If you registered after August 9, your account is gone and you will HAVE to re-register. Sorry, your account was a casualty of the database corruption. If the database is recovered you'll probably get your original account back, but until then you can create a new one.

* As stated above, all August 9 - September 21 posts and PMs are gone. We'll try to get them back depending on the database recovery situation. Since the Tropical discussion forum was created after this date, it's empty, but you're more than welcome to get the ball rolling on it again.

* There will probably be issues with the board while we get everything fixed back up. Just post about them in the appropriate forum and be patient. Things will get smoothed out soon.

* Our advertisers banner ads will be extended by however long the outage was (the clock is at 3 days now). I intend to get them back online this week.

Tim Vasquez
I guess I'm back. From August 8th until now I've been unable to log in. My old info couldn't be emailed to me because I have a different email address than what I originally registered with, and my current addy is yahoo...

So, it's great to be back.

Thanks to Tim and everyone else who helped in getting the board up and running again! :)
Thanks... fixed that. Also many of you may want to go to User CP (top of page) > Edit Options > Time Zone to set your time zone so everything shows up right.

Thanks... I went into the control panel and fixed the forum's base URL. Hopefully that does the trick.
No problems logging in here. As others have said, thank you Tim for the hard work and dedication to this great forum!
Good day,

Great job, I notice a BIG increase in performance too!

What a time for a server to go down on Friday, 9-22, with a hatched 15% tornado, PDS watches, and all that in the Midwest too!

Murphey's law can really be bad ;-)
Seems my account was lost in the corruption as well, so some users may have to register again.

Also, there was no wait to post, is this going to change or is ST allowing anyone to post once they register?

One more thing, it seems that some people's DNS servers have either not refreshed or their local DNS cache needs to be updated.

Tim, can you put this link at the old server for those who are still having problems getting to the new site with the domain?
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Wow everything looks new! Looks great Tim. I appreciate all the hard work you put into this forum.

I like the width of the posts... it doesn't make the page as long because it is wider. However, is there a way to automatically activate the quick reply feature? Right now, I have to click a quick reply button to activate it... I dunno about others, but I love the quick reply feature.
I managed to log-in just fine with my regular username and password - so no problems here.

Glad to see things back up and running - thanks for all the work on the forum, Tim!

Thanks Tim, this is really nice. Great job in what I am sure probably cost you some sleep. Everything seems very smooth on my end.
Thanks Again
is there a way to automatically activate the quick reply feature? Right now, I have to click a quick reply button to activate it... I dunno about others, but I love the quick reply feature.

I was wondering that myself. I went ahead and enabled it.