Stormtrack Gets A Plug

Marc Grant

I ran across this tonight on the USA Today weather site. Here's the blurb and the link to check it out. The only problem is they got the URL wrong on the link to the word Stormtrack Web site in the text by adding /index.php after the .org.

Q: I have heard that some storm chasers give tornado "tours" during the tornado season. Is this true, and who are they?

A: I know that at least a few storm chasers will take others along for a price. But I wouldn't want to recommend any particular ones because I don't know enough about any of them. I think your best bet is to check out The Stormtrack Web site, which is the best starting point for information on chasing. It includes a link to names of chasers looking for people to go with them. Spending a lot of time looking into the world of chasing on the Web would put you in a better position to find the right person to go chasing with. The best way to go chasing, if this is an option, would be to study meteorology at college and become one of the students who work with scientists. That way you'd be assured of being with chasers who really know their business. Resources: Tornadoes page and an index to the Vortex Project, which studied tornadoes. (5-22-96)

Here's the link:
Thanks for the heads up. I cobbled together a quick PHP redirect to fix the USA Today error.

Too bad we can't fix all newspaper errors so easily.

Thanks for the heads up. I cobbled together a quick PHP redirect to fix the USA Today error.

Too bad we can't fix all newspaper errors so easily.


Believe it or not, I found that by doing a Google search on "black storm chasers". :shock:

The redirect was quick thinking. I do web design and host several sites and I didn't even think about that possibility. :roll: