Storm Structure 101(video)

  • Thread starter Mike Hollingshead
  • Start date
I thought Mike did a wonderful job on this DVD, I ordered and watched "The Dream" first and had to get this one too! Mike you did a great job, I know how area knowledge really helps, I am really familiar with Northern Florida like that.

Thanks for a great video, hope to see more from this year maybe.
Received the dvd yesterday and just watched it today...AWESOME job, Mike.
One question I have about the Chambers, NE event...Was there 1 or 2 tornadoes? It showed and you stated that there was a brief touchdown after the tornado crossed the road, and I was wondering if it was the same tornado that started up again or a second tornado.

Again, I enjoyed it very much and after watching it a few more times, hope to learn more about reading the charts. Thanks for the 'lessons'.
Thanks guys. Counting individual tornadoes can be sort of tough in some cases. All the first touchdowns I would call one tornado. The one after it crossed the road I would say was a new tornado as the first one was already very 'occluded' and out there on its own and gets pulled into the new circulation and dies. So I would say that brief rope after that would be a new tornado.
I, too, enjoyed this video. I think that if one were a seasoned chaser, this DVD would be more valuable as a "post moretem" than an instructional video -- but if you're like me, and are still in the learning process, it's very educational. To be a bit of a nerd -- research shows that people tend to learn better through videos than just about any other medium.
I've ordered this video in addition to Stormwatcher so I have two DVD's to watch and learn from :).
To those who ordered and received the video(s), how long did it take you to get the video, from ordering to delivery? I'm asking mainly out of curiosity. I can't wait to get them!
I will report back here when I finish watching the vid.
I got the vid in the mail today. One question I would like to have answered is how do you swivel the camera around whilst driving?
The only gripe I have, and its a very small one, is the wind noise.
Aside from that minor quibble, its a great video :)
Chart reading is one area I need to study-up on.