Storm Chasing DVD - The Noob!

Nov 18, 2006
Chicago, IL
I am pleased to announce the release of my first solo DVD titled "The Noob"

This DVD will largely feature events from 2010 and 2011 but also has some events from 2008 and 2009 as well. It is mostly tornado footage but I threw some stuff in there for hail, structure, core punching and intense straight line wind footage as well for what I believe is a very well rounded DVD showing all aspects of severe weather.

Any weather enthusiast will love this DVD! Check out the trailer!

Watch video >

Detailed info and order page can be found here:

I will also accept trades with other chasers. Message me if interested!

The first batch will ship out October 25th so get those orders in today!
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I traded for this video from the 2010 and 2011 chase seasons and I can tell you that "The Noob" will be a great addition to any chaser or weather enthusiast's video collection. It is worth it just for the Bowdle, SD and Albert Lea, MN days last year - on both of these days Adam got great video of the spectacular tornadoes from tornadogenesis to ropeout. The only painful thing about watching Adam's video was watching what he caught on the Litchfield, IL and Canton, OK days this year - it was painful because on both of these days I made bad road choices that cost me the chance to document spectacular tornadoes I should have seen. But Adam made no such mistakes, and this video features spectacular video of both of these tornadoes, with up-close video of the Litchfield tornado from tornadogenesis on, as well as superb video of the Canton tornado. Excellent job, Adam!
I've had Adam's DVD for a month now and finally got the time to watch it. The title suggests a rookie's first attempts at documenting tornadoes, but "The Noob" is anything but weak, rookie footage with sparse tornado footage. This DVD is filled with a variety of awesome tornado shots. The editing of the production is also one of the strong points. Adam very effectively narrates his video as he shoots it, and the text overlays and edited sequences bring each chapter together smoothly with meaning and a fast paced sense of action. While some criticize handheld shots and video that isn't fixated on the storm at all times, Adam's camera work is incredibly stable for being handheld. The camera movements keep the viewer engaged without being distracting or detracting from the subject and his repositioning makes for effective transitions between shots. Of course the storms and tornadoes featured on the DVD are epic. I won't go into the specific dates, but Adam is a very prolific chaser and you're getting his best shots from huge chase days from the past three years. I'm sure tons of good footage had to be cut to fit the best of dozens of chases on to one DVD. The whole DVD is dramatic footage, and the fact that you're getting two hours of it, makes this DVD a steal and a must have.
Dang! My review? Uh, what Skip said!

The title did throw me a bit. I don't know Adam personally, but as my wife said when it arrived, "Oh, Adam Lucio. I see his "dot" everywhere!" This is not a beginners DVD, it is loaded wall to wall with good stuff. The main thing I take from Adams video? That I have finally found a group of guys who have more fun chasing than I do. First half of the video, Adam and his friends had me DYING laughing. Second half is more calm INSIDE the car while mother nature goes wild OUTSIDE the car. Professionally put together, and I really enjoyed it. Adam, I look forward to meeting you in person "out there" next spring. Please, keep having fun while chasing.
I can't agree more with the above posts. Well put together and fun to watch. Thanks Adam for letting us ride along in your video.
Adam's first DVD debut is a hit. Some amazing tornado footage in this one. My favorites from His dvd have to be the Litchfield, IL tornado, Bowdel, SD with the "feild incident" and of course the Albert Lea MN tornado Outbreak. The is a must buy and I'm looking forward to the Tipton tornado dvd release. Thanks for trading Adam.
I ordered my copy last Friday, got it in the mail Tuesday, and watched it over the next few days. Don't let the title fool you, it's tornadoes beginning to end. I've started quite a collection of chaser videos and this is one is as well done as any of them. I'd recommend this one to anyone who wants something to help get them through the winter (I write this on a Moderate Risk day, LOL).