I think we've already beat this dead horse enough. Every year the subject of regulations and increased enforcement from LEO's comes up, but the number of chasers actually ticketed vs. the total chasers and total storm days is minuscule. This is nothing more than speculation that's never likely to come to fruition. There are many chases where I never even see an LEO.
As far as sponsorships, well I'm sure some companies won't like it, but others will love it. Look at what sells and what goes viral these days. Not just in chasing, but in anything.
And if I owned a rental car company I wouldn't want to rent to chasers, or at the very least cover their hail damage. Because, duh! That one should be a no-brainer. Can't even be mad about that.
That being said, I do just chase for fun. I'm not out there for money or fame, or anything else other than to witness and enjoy the beauty and power of Mother Nature. And I follow all the laws, aside from the speed limit, but I don't follow that in normal every day driving anyway, so that's no different.