Storm chaser physically attacked by another storm chaser during car ride

Apr 21, 2022
United Kingdom
In a lengthy post on his Facebook account, storm chaser Matt Granz revealed that he was attacked two days ago by another storm chaser he was giving a ride to. You can read his post here.

Two days ago, I was physically attacked by a storm chaser I was giving a ride to. He thought I didn’t brake soon enough and screamed at the top of his lungs at me. The incident was because of a car 1/8th of a mile from us stopping to turn…"
Chaser fights would be an interesting topic. Many years ago Joel Ewing and I almost came to fisticuffs when trying to decide where to chase. Fortunately, it was only a one time, speed bump in our friendship. I would have also likely got my ass kicked since Joel is built like a defensive end.
@JamesCaruso The article is gone as well... my guess would be someone threatened legal action. There was supposedly a response video from the attacker a few days ago in the article, but I couldn't find it. Was curious as to how someone justified endangering everyone in the vehicle by attacking the driver, lol. I drive aggressively defensive and I make that known to whoever might be riding with me. I like to make sure everyone is warned as to iron out these issues before they unfold because I don't tolerate backseat drivers well, lol.
Jamie, I’m not sure why you want this thread to be deleted. It is relevant to chasing and doesn’t violate the guidelines. Not every thread is going to interest or appeal to every member. If you have a compelling reason why this thread should be closed and deleted, please share that information.
The original post itself has been deleted as well by Matt Granz as it is not on his page anymore. This could be due to the fact that he is pressing criminal charges against the guy from what I heard through him and other sources.

So it could just simply no longer be visible to us. Something like that along with other evidence would likely be used in court to get the guy for at least assault/battery...possibly even more serious charges. It doesn't sound like this was the dude's first offense with law enforcement, so him going to jail/prison is a good possibility and probably what needs to be done. In my opinion, strangling someone is the same thing as attempted murder and I know a few prosecuting DAs who would agree and go after such a charge.
My thoughts: I do not understand why anyone would pick up random (<--- key word) people to go chasing with and spend hours in a car together. I was taught in any driving situation that the driver is the captain. Whether it be from where to chase or just who gets the aux cord lol.