Storm Chaser "Competition" TV Show

No one is going to legislate chasing...period. I can tell you exactly why. There is no money in it. The % of the population that chases storms, even in OK is so miniscule it's not even worth mentioning in the grand scheme of things. It would cost states way more money to try and regulate it than they would ever see return in fines or fees. It's not happening, ever. I say that with so much confidence that I will say the day it happens I will wear my underwear for a week without bathing and eat them.

The only way that is ever going to possible happen is if for some reason a vast amount of the population decides they won't to chase. Even then we can't get states to agree from one state to the next on anything uniform.

Nope, it's not happening.
There is several things wrong with this from the get-go, and in the end we loose in all instances. A show like this would present everyone in the light that most people already look at "Storm Chasers" like, as crazies, driving like a bat out of hell running people off the road, like in "Twister." Secondly, all the good that chasers do for the public safety would be negated, and Congress or other governing bodies would probably try to outlaw what we do if things are presented in this kind of light. Steer clear of this one...

Allan Detrich

PictureThis Blog

Ummmmm, for those who driving like idiots and admit to it but then again it might make them be more responsible since they are in a TV series.

When I started BNVN back in 2001 I got a lot of people saying it will never work, its bull, its stupid but then as the years went on, a lot of people started doing what we set out to do.

Some of you would be amazed at what happens behind the scenes.
My agent told me that a lot of people have contacted them about getting on board with their company after seeing that I signed on with them to move my footage. Have not heard all the details, just that they have had a lot of chasers contact them and dropping my name saying that they saw on my site that they handle my footage.

Chasing is a hobby turned business for some of us. Just like the guys on Discovery Channel, were out there fishing too. Some fish for fun while others fish for profit. If someone wants to document people fishing then what is the difference to documenting people storm chasing for profit?

Oh yeah, the profit thing. Storm chasing is not where the money is anymore.

What should people worry about if there was a reality tv show about chasing? I will say the behind the scenes stuff I have had to deal with over the last 6 years would make for great reality TV. It's not the stringer chasing at 20 miles per hour over the speed limit trying to get to a storm that will give people a bad image. It would be the phone calls like "Doug I need bail money and I'll work it off by shooting video" or "Doug, you know that video the competiton shot last week, I got inside scoop it was not really from that storm or even that day..."

Trust me, there is a lot worse things that could go into a chaser reality tv show then chasing. Who knows if one does come out and dirt does come out, it may even cause some to clean up their act.

But like I said before, the last I heard about this was it was in concept stages.
Well, here I go again...sigh. I agree with Doug with just about everything he said. I also agree that chasing will NEVER be "outlawed", or even attempted to be. And believe me, it IS definately CHASING. I was one of the first ones on this thread to say i would do this, and NOW...i DEFINATELY would do it. WHY? Because I'm already doing it. I wouldn't change anything whether I was in a contest or not. If somebody wants to ride along and film something, good...I could use the company and it would save me having to try and film it myself. There has been numerous 'reports" of TV intervention with storm-chasers over the last few years, so this is nothing all. Most have been simply documentaries tho, so the competing thing is a bit new, what? Some guy walks up to YOU, and says, "Hey storm-chaser, I'll give you a chance to make $50K if you get the best pictures of the next tube'. YOU would say.....? Look, half the people in here try to sell their videos already, and they won't sell if you don't have the best shots to start with, PLUS....everything they want you to do for the show, you're going to do already, so, I don't see the big deal with a show like this. And as someone else stated, "maybe the nuts out there would be a lot better drivers if they were being filmed". I paraphrased that, but same concept. So...put me in coach, I'm ready to play!
Oh yeah, the profit thing. Storm chasing is not where the money is anymore.

Ok, as another bet to this post(I'm done adjusting my page count), I bet this is mentioned 4 more times before the thread is over. I can easily see being under on both.

Doug you should make a wiki page on the death of money making in storm chasing.

*plays taps*

I sir

I am the Storm Chaser Regulatory Officer. Are you storm chasing right now?


You are what? What The....


I am the storm chasing regulatory officer. Are you planning any core punch for the next 24 hours? Did you do your own forecasts or you stole them from another chaser? I see you have antenna, are you ham? Are you a registered spotter? I see you have amber lights, do you use your lights to park dangerously on the road?


My name is James Grant, I am a police officer. I don't know what a core punch is, I don't know why I should do any forecast about anything and the antenna you see on my car you will find the same on every damn cop car. I am not a registered spotter and the amber lights you see turned on on my vehicule are there to signifie that you are under arrest for interfering with a police officer on duty.
lol ... while we're at it, can we please talk about:

*media chasers
*parking habits
*female chasers
*the Outlaw chasers
*marine radar



I don't actually remember seeing a power thread about Texas, but it's high time we had one. I figure if we can get those Texans riled, it will make for an awesome thread.
I agree that it would be very unlikely that storm chasing is "outlawed" ect. I think we all realize there are various people out there that break the law from time to time (speeding, and illegally parking, ect.) that in many cases, are not even actively chasing. Furthermore, I think they represent a very small fraction of people out there and storm chasers/spotters contribute positively to public saftey and awareness of severe weather.

On the issue of a competition TV show, I think a documentary would be more appropriate though I believe various Media outlets have produced small 1/2 to 1 hour episodes on this.
I bet greater than half speed(that doesn't mean they are wreckless though) and more than half park illegally. I think most places it is considered parking illegally if you use the shoulder for non-emergency reasons. I'm not bashing anyone really, since I do both, though I use gravel grids for parking the far majority of the time.
I remember a discovery channel show where Silver Lining Tours was featured and you can hear Roger saying "run the stop sign!" LOL!!!

I always thought it was hilarious at the time because that is the logical thing that a lot of people would actually do if they were in the same position.

Amber strobes are for ammmberatures. Real chasers use blue and red.
Why not just borrow the sheriffs car? No one will ask any questions.

BTW, these guys sell blue, white and red lights to anyone and you can pickup some really cool sirens too!