Storm Chaser "Competition" TV Show

Gotta really wonder about liabilities though if someone gets hurt or killed during the competition show. Sounds really stupid if you ask me....

Waivers are easily signed. Besides, you're more likely to get seriously injured filming say, a cooking show.
Gotta really wonder about liabilities though if someone gets hurt or killed during the competition show. Sounds really stupid if you ask me....

From what I was told it is not a competition, there looking for the competition that is already out there or at least was when the video market was still there and document whose doing what to make a living at storm chasing.

If it is still happening and unless something changed, there just looking to document that shizzel that is already happening with the in your face FUMO stuff that happens behind the scenes. Not the oh were on a research mission and everything by the book just like how it is suppose to be done acording to some research paper from 20 years ago...

No, they want to catch what really happens and what is really said while 150 people fight over a what is now next to nothing.

Chasers driving at insane speeds to catch tornadoes, people getting funnel envy, the rush to get footage to market, the up's, the down's, the law suits, the stab in the backs and all the stuff that goes on or could go on.

Problem: TWC which used to be the main buyer, their not buying and if they do, they want it for next to nothing since someone else will be there to hand the footage in just to get their 15 seconds on screen credit.

A Competition means you have to compete for something. The tornado market is dead and I don't feel like trying to compete over a dead horse.
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You have to laugh at the prospect of the reality show cameraman trying to get compelling shots to fill the show. If it is anything like my car during a chase trip, it's nothing but chasers sitting in a car all day for weeks, eating Doritos, beef jerky and drinking Mountain Dew and Coke while everyone in the car has their head buried in a laptop screen (except for the driver, of course). I guess he could try to get different angles, maybe put a wide-angle lens on the Betacam to mix it up a little. Not much excitement until the few short times we are on a good storm.
Was this really the BBC? Every time I work with them the “Health and safety department” they flip out at the thought of the insurance etc. I would guess that this approach is therefore ether a Production company – prospecting a programme for the BBC or a young BBC Grad researcher – trying to make a name?

The UK weather (TV) market is growing quite strong but they tend to be more serous documentaries regarding our home grown storms and tornadoes – actually so ANY of these get screened in the US? I would be interested to know.

Personally I have been involved in most (Almost all) of the productions over the last few years - working with the BBC, CH4 and ITV mostly as a presenter (I think that you call it anchor?) – However I am not aware of this venture which is strange considering that normally I am the first port of call regarding UK severe weather productions.
You know what I would love to see?

American Gladiators.... STORM CHASER EDITION


The thing is storm chasing is already competitive when you think about. It is a male dominated adrenaline driven hobby full of crazy yahoo's, met students, researchers, tour groups and others.

While there may only be a handful of people who compete on the surface openly consider how many guys don't want to give away their target locations? Really, think about it long and hard. If there was no competition then who cares if Joe blow steals your good forecast, gets a really cool storm with a nice big wedge and has a storm stories episode based on his chase with a CNN interview?

There are guys out there who communicate using repeater outputs and UHF satellite frequencies in the field so no one will hear them.

I am not saying everyone is like that, and I certainly think everyone here on stormtrack is not like that, but there are many out there who are.

Just something to think about...
You know what I would love to see?

American Gladiators.... STORM CHASER EDITION


The thing is storm chasing is already competitive when you think about. It is a male dominated adrenaline driven hobby full of crazy yahoo's, met students, researchers, tour groups and others.

While there may only be a handful of people who compete on the surface openly consider how many guys don't want to give away their target locations? Really, think about it long and hard. If there was no competition then who cares if Joe blow steals your good forecast, gets a really cool storm with a nice big wedge and has a storm stories episode based on his chase with a CNN interview?

There are guys out there who communicate using repeater outputs and UHF satellite frequencies in the field so no one will hear them.

If Discovery Channel can make a pilot series about guys making Art out of old airplane parts, or kids racing gokarts, then a series about Severe Weather Chasers would be something better then some of the crap they have come up with if its done right.

I would do it but honestly I would also love to be the cameraman that gets to ride along to tape all the crazy stuff. Something tells me a paycheck for 8 weeks shooting footage and working as part of a field crew would be cool too. God know I already can put up with the bad food and long road trips. Just let someone else deal with being famous and if they bust, not my forecast!
You know what I would love to see?

American Gladiators.... STORM CHASER EDITION


The thing is storm chasing is already competitive when you think about. It is a male dominated adrenaline driven hobby full of crazy yahoo's, met students, researchers, tour groups and others.

While there may only be a handful of people who compete on the surface openly consider how many guys don't want to give away their target locations? Really, think about it long and hard. If there was no competition then who cares if Joe blow steals your good forecast, gets a really cool storm with a nice big wedge and has a storm stories episode based on his chase with a CNN interview?

There are guys out there who communicate using repeater outputs and UHF satellite frequencies in the field so no one will hear them.

I am not saying everyone is like that, and I certainly think everyone here on stormtrack is not like that, but there are many out there who are.

Just something to think about...

Do they not want others to know their forecasts, or do they just not feel like posting one? I think there is a larger number of folks with the attitude people hide their forecasts, than there are people not posting them for the soul reason to not share it with others. Areas can also get crowded with chasers, I'd say that is a more common reason(other than the reason a person just doesn't feel like posting one)...they just don't want to add to the hoardes if they don't have to. And of course there's always the reason of looking like a complete fool after you screw the hell up. But, the more popular reason is they just don't want to share because they are competitive and evil hiders of their knowledge.
Do they not want others to know their forecasts, or do they just not feel like posting one? I think there is a larger number of folks with the attitude people hide their forecasts, than there are people not posting them for the soul reason to not share it with others. Areas can also get crowded with chasers, I'd say that is a more common reason(other than the reason a person just doesn't feel like posting one)...they just don't want to add to the hoardes if they don't have to. And of course there's always the reason of looking like a complete fool after you screw the hell up. But, the more popular reason is they just don't want to share because they are competitive and evil hiders of their knowledge.

That is true, many people simply just don't have the time to write up big emails or have huge discussions and the stigma associated with being wrong is huge but it is just like anything else, there is plenty of competition under the surface.

Now it may not be hostile competition, but you can sure bet peoples ego's get involved at times. :)
I often find it disturbing that, if there's any intelligent life somewhere in the cosmos, the first source of informationl they'll have about our species will be our TV and radio signals.......NOT a good first impression.

No longer do I wonder why many an evening goes by and the screen remains dark. At least with the newer flat panel TV's, you can put a leg on each corner and they make cool coffee tables. :p

"Eschewing Mass Media Since 1999"
I often find it disturbing that, if there's any intelligent life somewhere in the cosmos, the first source of informationl they'll have about our species will be our TV and radio signals.......NOT a good first impression.

No longer do I wonder why many an evening goes by and the screen remains dark. At least with the newer flat panel TV's, you can put a leg on each corner and they make cool coffee tables. :p

"Eschewing Mass Media Since 1999"

If life is out there just imagine what we might see from their broadcasts. They're probably thinking the same thing, except about their own broadcasts.
evil hiders of their knowledge

I used to think this way. For me posting a forecast is sort of like calling the 8 ball. It's cool if it verifies, and if you called the wrong pocket - doh.

Even if people did use each other's forecasts to target from (personally, I like to use H's), it doesn't matter. There's so much more that goes into chasing than forecasting.

I'm all for the cattle spotter program, by the way. It might be better if we could train hogs to do it though ... since they would need to be HAMs anyway.

I don't really have a point to posting in this thread.