Stacked lighting image

Jul 8, 2004
SW Slovenia, Europe
Stacked lightning image

Hey all,

I had some fun a couple of days ago when a nice active storm came around. Managed to get several nice images and as many of them were made in the same frame, I played a bit and stack them all into one image (thanks Mike H. for the tip in Photoshop):


I know its unreal, but it might be interesting to see. I wanted them to strike closer to me to fill the whole space, but no luck this time.

PS: That big strike which starts above the others, actually hit the TV antenna (there are two, it hit the left one). One can also see a nice streamer just slightly right to that antenna (on the right antenna). I could crop that area if someone will be interested.

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Nice shots and picture there. Photoshop is a fun little tool. I can't wait for an active lightning storm to come around my area again so I can get back out there and make some more attempts at lightning shots.
Great pic. I am very interested in storm / lightning photography and from what I have seen on here... I have a lot to live up to. Thanks for posting it.
I've always done the long shutter to get similar (not as good) lightning images. However, I just tried the photo stacking, as you call it, for the first time on a really poor quality set of images. Figured I'd try it on a piss poor shot first:
OK for a first attempt. I see there is plenty to learn however. I'll have to find the advice M.H. gave if it was in another thread. I know there were some good pointers about photoshop within ST.
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Beautifully done! What camera settings do you use to shoot lightning? Exposure time, Aperature, ISO? On a side note I am a meteorologist and I am loving what ESTOFEX is doing. It is great to see it in Europe, and for my job I look at it often. Thank you for being a part of it.
Beautifully done! What camera settings do you use to shoot lightning? Exposure time, Aperature, ISO? On a side note I am a meteorologist and I am loving what ESTOFEX is doing. It is great to see it in Europe, and for my job I look at it often. Thank you for being a part of it.
Thanks, I appreciate it. As for the settings... ISO 100, f/6.3 and exposure time around 20s. My classic settings for shooting lightning.
Amazing Shot Marco!

"Photo stacking" can also be done in Photomatix Pro. Probably easier to accomplish than trying to use photoshop. Also, my Nikon will allow me to combine images on the camera itself, before it ever leaves the cam....Here's a shot that I stacked with my Nikon...
