ST Target Map

Joey Ketcham

Use to there was a target map here on ST that members could plot out their targets for the chase day, I haven't seen that in a while.. is that ever coming back?
Strange in 2005 it worked real well and had alot of participants.. Of course no one really used it last year.. I really enjoyed the target map. Feels good to pick a target and be succesful.
I liked it, I thought it was cool and hope that they decide to bring it back.
I'll mention it to Tim if he doesn't see this. I'm not exactly sure how he had that set up, I think he had someone specially code that for ST. I'd rather he be the one to mess with it so I don't try and screw it up. (Assuming he wants to put it back.)
If the guy can't do it or the code can't be resurrected, get me some screen shots and/or a description of how it worked and I'll see what I can come up with.

I'll mention it to Tim if he doesn't see this. I'm not exactly sure how he had that set up, I think he had someone specially code that for ST. I'd rather he be the one to mess with it so I don't try and screw it up. (Assuming he wants to put it back.)
Well I can almost guarantee you that the original won't be back up tomorrow. Tim has a lot on his plate right now, so it will be A) If he wants to and has time to put it up B)provided it's still available (I assume it is). Give him some time guys. :)
I don't post on here a lot,but that is one thing i loved about this board when I first joined. Please bring it back!!!
Target board revival

I will be glad to start this target post again for the bigger events this spring. Just e.mail me your target pick and I will try to get this posted by morning of the event. My e.mail is [email protected]. I just thought this was something worth reviving as it was popular with most chasers. I may not be able to personalize the targets on the map graphic, but I will have a table under the map with each chaser's pick. I will start this sometime in April. Let me know if there is still interest.