ST Logo Contest Preliminary Poll 2

ST Logo Contest - See Voting Instructions

  • Tanilsoo 1

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Kucera 2

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • McGowan 1

    Votes: 13 20.3%
  • Luginbyhl 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carter 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neal 1

    Votes: 7 10.9%
  • Kern-Favilla 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lawson 2

    Votes: 3 4.7%
  • Gulden 1

    Votes: 3 4.7%
  • Edmonds 2

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Locke 2

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • Den Hartog 1

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • Edmonds 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tyson 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Luginbyhl 3

    Votes: 5 7.8%
  • Marti 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dildine 2

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Adkins 1

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Edwards 2

    Votes: 2 3.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Mark Blue

Former owner (RIP)
Feb 19, 2007
Please note there are 2 preliminary polls that contain the logos that were submitted as part of the Stormtrack Logo Contest that began in October 2009. The contest was reinstated on November 10, 2010, and you can now submit your vote for the logo you believe would best represent Stormtrack in the future. The vBulletin software unfortunately has a system limitation as it pertains to creating polls and will only allow 20 choices per poll. Since there were 38 logos submitted that means there will be 2 preliminary polls (19 each) followed by 1 final poll after all of the votes have been counted from the preliminary polls.

Once the preliminary polls end the votes from both polls will be combined and a final poll will be created. The logos that receive the most number of votes (regardless of which poll they were in) will be entered into the final poll. The final poll will include as few as 6, but may include as many as 12 logos. The reason for the range of 6 – 12 is I want to try and account for any logos that receive the same number of votes. If any logos receive the same number of votes (tie), they will be included in the final poll. The lowest number (6) would only be used if there is a small number of logos that receive a majority of the votes and the rest have a substantially lower number. If something unexpected happens the above parameters may change slightly, we’ll just have to wait and see how the voting shapes up.

The most important point I want to make is you can only vote ONCE in 1 of the 2 preliminary polls. I encourage you to carefully review both preliminary polls before you place your 1 and only vote. If you vote more than once your vote will be canceled and you will be notified via the private messaging system. I will do my best to notify anyone that votes more than once that the vote has been deleted, but I cannot promise that you will receive an opportunity to vote again before the poll deadline arrives. The voting results will not be visible until the poll closes and if you choose to post who you voted for that is fine. The poll is set to close on December 20th.

The link for the other preliminary poll is listed below for your convenience.

Preliminary Poll 1


Tanilsoo 1


Kucera 2


McGowan 1


Luginbyhl 1


Carter 1


Neal 1


Kern-Favilla 1


Lawson 2


Gulden 1


Edmonds 2


Locke 2


Den Hartog 1


Edmonds 1


Tyson 1


Luginbyhl 3


Marti 1


Dildine 2


Adkins 1


Edwards 2

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I'll kick off the voting and I mean no offense to anyone, but I've been staring at these logos for almost a month now and my vote goes for Dick McGowan (McGowan 1). I really wish I could vote about 10 times, but no such luck. Good luck everyone, I am very relieved that the preliminary polls are out for public consumption. Please read the instructions carefully!!
Mark, I have to say you did a very good job with this logo contest. Kudos to you for doing such a great job!
Thanks Jason for the feedback! Sorry it took so long, I think I spent too much time analyzing and organizing things and it may have been overkill. I just wanted it to be as fair as possible.
I agree! I see at least 4 or 5 that would be great logos for the forum. Nice job everyone!
im sure it's too late to officially add this to the mix and if it is, feel free to remove it but here's a quick one a friend did for me.

On a "normal" web page, it would be possible to use Javascript to randomly scramble items so that each person visiting the page would see them in a different (random) order. (For example, if you put each choice in an unordered list you would start with the
tag and then put each list item in a javascript array. Item 0 in the array would be
<li><input type="radio" name="buttonname" value="personName"> Person's Name</li>

That would continue for each choice until the total number of array items was reached.
Then on page load the script runs and instead of loading the array order zero through whatever, it loads the array in random order: 3, 9, 2, 4, 7, 8, 1, 6. The next person would see a different random array.

(The code you load into the array could be anything, like html table row or table data code. Anything that would make sense to randomize.)

However, two things:
1) This is not a regular web page, this is a vBulletin poll. It's a closed system. Unless it has the built-in ability to randomize poll question choices, you are out of luck.

2) I'd argue that it is unnecessary in THIS sort of poll. I doubt that anybody would think that a strong image is less than strong just because it isn't at the top of the page. In any event, only a fraction of the people visiting the page would see that particular image at the top, with a randomization system.

The winner will win and the order on the page will be irrelevant, IMHO. :)
randomly scramble items so that each person visiting the page would see them in a different (random) order.

That's exactly what I mean. Take the 3-5 logos with the highest votes at the end of the poll and randomize them so every time the page loads a different picture is displayed in the corner. Similar to how the ads up on top work.

It's just and idea I've seen on other forums:)
On a "normal" web page, it would be possible to use Javascript to randomly scramble items so that each person visiting the page would see them in a different (random) order. (For example, if you put each choice in an unordered list you would start with the
tag and then put each list item in a javascript array. Item 0 in the array would be
<li><input type="radio" name="buttonname" value="personName"> Person's Name</li>

That would continue for each choice until the total number of array items was reached.
Then on page load the script runs and instead of loading the array order zero through whatever, it loads the array in random order: 3, 9, 2, 4, 7, 8, 1, 6. The next person would see a different random array.

(The code you load into the array could be anything, like html table row or table data code. Anything that would make sense to randomize.)

However, two things:
1) This is not a regular web page, this is a vBulletin poll. It's a closed system. Unless it has the built-in ability to randomize poll question choices, you are out of luck.

2) I'd argue that it is unnecessary in THIS sort of poll. I doubt that anybody would think that a strong image is less than strong just because it isn't at the top of the page. In any event, only a fraction of the people visiting the page would see that particular image at the top, with a randomization system.

The winner will win and the order on the page will be irrelevant, IMHO. :)

actually, if the person who set this forum up, goes to

and registers an account

they can download an installable script that will handle the banner rotation automatically and it's quite easy to set up

there's also a ton of other "mods" there that may be useful to the forums. I did the site installation/setup for

so if I can be of any help please let me know, and I'll be glad to assist.